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Give The Gift Of Handmade Soaps
I love them, too. What a beautiful page!
Susan52, on 05/28/2011
Who is Rich Leigh? noir at its finest. Nice writing, camera work and editing. Of course I want to grab the guy and shake him out of his self-centered world of me-me-me. But hey, I felt the same way, back in the day. Keep going, Rich. :)
chefkeem, on 05/28/2011
Hanna Barbera Cartoon Classics: Augie Doggie And Doggie Daddy
I do remember Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy! Hadn't thought of them in many, many years, but it was fun to watch the video and remember!
Susan52, on 05/28/2011
Writing Quality Articles on Wizzley (and beyond)
Really useful and well written article.
RichLeigh, on 05/28/2011
What is UNESCO
I think the only one I haven't been to is the Dacian Fortress. Although I loved the Monestaries and Churches, the Delta is my favorite. I lived next to it, and remember a great boat trip from ...
Kathy McGraw, on 05/28/2011
What is UNESCO
Thanks Nancy, I agonize 2 days with this post, with pictures, and memories... as hard as I want to be, I am still human... but my work is now rewarded by all the comments which I know they come from the hart. Thanks for stopping by
Michey, on 05/28/2011
What is UNESCO
This is not only an Awareness of the work done by UNESCO but a history lesson as well.
ohme, on 05/28/2011
Give The Gift Of Handmade Soaps
Same here petunia! They are the best gift! :o)
csinvitations, on 05/28/2011
Weaving the Web of Flowers
The May Flowers one is really nice. I love your project.
sheilamarie, on 05/28/2011
What is UNESCO
Joan, you have 2 lenses with my heritage, the URLs are in this post but I think you know them... Thanks for stopping by Regards have a great weekend.
Michey, on 05/28/2011
Apple MacBook
I've got one. And a desktop iMac, too. Couldn't live without them. Your review is very accurate, Paul. :)
chefkeem, on 05/28/2011
Creating Bookmarks at Zazzle
(smiles) it is never ending annie with the learning especially sites like Zazzle and so on.
WhiteOak50, on 05/28/2011
A Flight Of Fancy
Yours is an amazing story, and I so appreciate your telling it. I think so often of all the unemployed right now, and some of these folks could make a living on line - if they only knew how to begin. Your story will be a beacon of hope for ...
petunia, on 05/28/2011
What is UNESCO
Oh wow! these are all sights I would like to see and study more! Especially the fortresses! Amazing!
petunia, on 05/28/2011
Give The Gift Of Handmade Soaps
Handmade soaps are always a well-appreciated gift! I know I love them!
petunia, on 05/28/2011

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