The information you present should be trustworthy if you want the reader to take specific actions. This requires that the facts are correct and up to date. If you aren't already an expert on the topic you are writing about then it's fairly easy to become one (Google and Wikipedia are your friend).
Do your research before starting a new article. Gather authoritative sources and don't be afraid to cite them, if applicable.
Try to give as much detail as possible and necessary. The more exhaustive your coverage of the subject, the less likely the reader will leave in search of more (and better) information.

More stringent standards apply to article topics of a medical nature!
When the health and safety of people, possibly kids, are at stake, we want to see your credentials. Preferably, you should be a medical professional and be able to back it up with proof. Again, put yourself in the position of the reader:
- Would you trust the information enough to administer the recommended product to your kids or another family member?
Chances are, if the author appears to be a cartoon character that goes by the name of "CoolTips4U" who claims in their profile to be "passionate about making money from home", you would probably refrain from following their advice.
nightowl, Thank you for the do's and don'ts. Fancy fonts and uncoordinated colors seem like a real pitfall for inexperienced writers who think of attention-getting devices as a cover for poor writing and as a support for good writing.
Good information I learned and remembered something here.
All makes sense, thank you.
Good advice, nicely set out. Very helpful as I am new.
Great information, thanks for this article!
This articles contained some great advice and reminders! Thank you!
Thank you, Bard. Although, you certainly don't need it. I love all your work!
Lots of really great advice here and I can see why you are doing so well on Wizzley.
I agree, originality is great, but talking from my experience reader is not always predictable. Sometimes he (she) really doesn't want to read original point of view, or he (she) is just looking for a quick answer to a problem which in author's opinion can't be solved quickly...
Well, I guess my grumbling is taking us to writing niches, right?
Thanks for some good points and reminding me about proofreading. It can be worth of gold...
Thanks so much for this - I'm new to Wizzley and because I was really excited, I got carried away and published my first article within a couple of hours of joining - but now I'm having a read through all the information here, I'm going to go back and make a few changes :) Thanks v much for the guidance! :)