Chef Keem - who the hell is he?
by chefkeem
Chef Keem is online, that's for sure - would over a half million Google search results lie? He is a community manager, branding consultant, marketer, author, and chef blogger in TX
Is Chef Keem German or American?
Bavarian or Texan?
All of the above.
Chef Keem (that's me, and I have no idea why I'm writing in the third person) was born and raised in Munich, Germany. Munich (München) is the capital city of Bavaria (Bayern).
After a nice little career as a pop music songwriter, arranger, and record producer, Chef Keem met a lady from San Antonio, TX, and he wanted to marry her. Emigration was in order, in 1981, at age 31.
I was so crazy in love that I sold and gave away everything I owned, paid off my debts, and got on a plane to America. With $500 in my pocket. Did I mention that I was nuts?
And so it went...(let's continue in the first person, ok?)
I discovered my love for the culinary arts and became a chef. After a few years of cooking---even in the wilderness of Alaska---I started my own specialty foods company making pastries, candies, and the first ever flavored agave nectar.
I also dabbled a little in basic website building...you know - on Yahoo. Stone Age.
Everything changed when I discovered Squidoo.com. Everything.
That was in 2008, and I haven't looked back since. I've studied web 2.0 as if my life depended on it. Well, today it does. I make a living as a blogger and online consultant. Dream come true, if you ask me.
I liked Squidoo so much, I wrote and recorded a song about it...
Soon there will be a Wizzley anthem. Just you wait.
Chef Keem Online
It's not all slapstick and funny dancing, I swear!
In the Texas summer heat of 2010, everything changed again. (You think I have too much drama in my life?) I was invited to check out a new German online portal, similar to Squidoo and hubpages, and I was instantly impressed with PageWizz.com. Since November 2010, I'm the community manager at PageWizz and I love it, love it, love it. If you speak German, you should check it out.
One day we decided to offer the feel of this fine portal, and the wonderful energy of its management team to the English-speaking world, as well. Wizzley.com was born. (Have you heard of it?) If you are an online author who wants to write within a very supportive community, and make a few bucks along the way...you should sign up right away. It's free. Of course.
Let me give you a couple examples of my web consulting business...
Dr. Michael Kunze is the most successful stage author in the history of German-language musical theater. He would love to share his expertise with the world, and I help him with that mission. We run a fabulous website---MusicalWorkshop.org---and an extensive social media campaign.
David Schneider and Philip Myers are two of the most professional and helpful real estate agents I've ever met. I'm thrilled to support their marketing efforts with ShadyHollowAustin.net and the management of their facebook and Twitter accounts.
I couldn't do any of this without the incredible creative force of my business partner, Anne Corcino. If you need domain registration, website hosting, premium Wordpress themes, and unparalleled support - contact her through SEOPraxis.com. You'll be glad you did, and it'll save you a boat load of time and head-scratching. (Pssst...she's "nightowl" on wizzley.com)
More of my recipes...
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Please say hi, and thanks for stopping by!
chefkeem, Thank you for the Alaska photos and the dancing, singing video. Do you really speak Alaskan or Texan -- ;-D -- since I'm not hearing an accent? Which was the crowd-pleasingest of the extracts and oils for your agave nectar?
Nice to get to know you better!
Hi Chef,
it's good to have you with us! :)
As the main editor here, I've seen all your articles so far. F...(bleep) tasty stuff!
chefkeem...Chef ManCave here. Love your BIO. I am a longtime "hubber" and discovered wizzley a month ago. I am limiting my posts to just recipes right now. Stop by and check out the Gordon Ramsey Hamburger article. (And not one bleeped out word) LOL
I'm impressed. :)
Thanks, David. :) WOW - winter in Fairbanks ... you better bring a jacket or ten and a flashlight! Aside from being safe from "damn tourists" it probably beats fighting those pesky skeeters in summer, right?
Nice bio page . . . and interesting life :)
I enjoyed reading your biography very much. Geez, you emigrated to US the year I was born, and I emigrated to Germany three years ago. My husband's sister lives in Munich and we live in Aschaffenburg. Did I mention that I was nuts, too and emigrated only because I was in love with my husband and we wanted to get married? I'm studying Web 2.0 like my life depends on it, too lol
I wasn't planning on signing up for Wizzley beacuse PageWizz was on my schedule. However, I decided to take my chances with both sites - I just need to sit down and translate all the content I created on Hubpages and Seekyt (it's not considered duplicated content). German is a difficult language, but this will help me to perfect it and I have my husband for proof-editing :)
So glad to read this. When I listened to your introductory Wizzley video I thought to hear a trace of a German accent. When I saw your profile picture I knew the accent guessing was right, and also started wondering if you were from Bavaria and München in particular. Now I know. Maybe I should write a wizzle and tell who I am.
I seen this video before. Still fun to watch.