
aka sidther . Wizzley author for 13 years.   29%  

I am a stay at home Army Wife with a 7 year old boy. My Son (who I call Cutie online to protect his privacy) has Autism. Because of frequent moves and other interruptions in his services, I have provided the majority of his therapies under the guidance and supervision of and OT and an ST, as well as a psychologist and his medical and educational teams. I have been volunteering as an Advocate for kids with autism for a few years and am now branching out online so that I can help more families deal with the daily stressors such as navigating the system, understanding sensory issues, finding free resources, getting couples time and venting! Every child with autism deserves a chance to succeed and all of the obstacles can make a parent feel hopeless- there are ways to give your child what they need- you just need to know where to look.

Anything can be used for speech therapy
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