Sometimes, mothers feel that going back to work means that they should start to prepare themselves and their child before the date of returning to work. You might feel that you have to start to reduce feeds before the return date. This is not the case. Babies cope when their mothers are not around. They sometimes cope better with moving on to a bottle when there is no sight or sound or smell of their mothers. This might seem counter-intuitive to start with but you will discover that babies are less likely to choose a bottle if you are in sight.
Start to express and store your milk about four weeks before your return to work. Fit this in with your feeding of the baby.
I expressed once a day for the month before going back to work. I got the idea from the book - Nursing Mother, Working Mother and made the schedule my own.
Every night, I take my AVENT Manual Breast Pump up to bed with me. As soon as I awoke in the morning, I would sit up and express milk from one side only. That way, if the baby woke, I could feed easily from the second side. I expressed for 10 mins at least. To start, I only got about 2 ounces which slowly built up to between 3 and 5 ounces.
While sitting up in bed, I sometimes expressed for a second time after the baby finished feeding and also made sure the baby fed on the expressed side in order to completely empty the breast.
And that was my only pumping session each day.
At the end of the 4 week period, I had collected about 84 ounces of milk. The milk collected each morning was stored in one of the Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags and kept them in the freezer.
This is how I managed to express enough milk to cope with going back to work.
Are you going back to work and nervous about your breastfeeding relationship?
That chart on how much to express is really helpful