The Breastfed Baby - A moment

by MuminBusiness

A moment in the life of the breastfed baby. What does it feel like to feed a baby?

Have you ever breastfed a child? Have you experienced that moment of let-down and also when your breastfed baby is satiated in your arms?

These are powerful moments and words cannot explain them too well (at least not my words!) However, I must try so here is my attempt!

If you struggle with breastfeeding, read on, I have a thought for you too…

The breastfed baby awakens

Asleep in my arms, my little one begins to shake her head from side to side as she arises from her deep sleep – a war rages between sleep and hunger, which will win? It is a battle so cute to behold.

Her face is so small nestled in my large arms against my surprisingly ample bosom.  (It is one of the blessings of breastfeeding; I finally fill more than an ‘A’ cup- Hoorah!) 

The best books to help you in your breastfeeding journey

If you get nothing else, get 'Food of love'!
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

This has to be the best book written on the subject. It’s no secret that breastfeeding is the normal, healthy way to nourish and nurture your baby. Dedicated to supporting nursing and expectant mothers, the internationally ...

$13.33  $7.4
Food of Love

This is one of the most amazing books written on breastfeeding. So user-friendly and written in funny way. Definitely required reading!

Only $15.8
Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers

Breastfeeding may be natural, but it may also be more challenging than you expect. Some mothers encounter doubts and difficulties, from struggling with the first few feedings ...

$20.57  $12.97

The breastfed baby searches

O, but where is the promise? Uncertain little whimpers begin as she is unable to find home.  She carries on searching as her face reddens - a ticking bomb about to detonate unless defused before the countdown concludes.  

Her mouth puckers up as she feels the flesh against her cheek - Hunger is winning and her reflexes take over.  She strains to reach what is promised - the gushing streams of life.  She knows nothing more than the fact that she sucks and fluid flows.  All she needs is to reach it.

The breastfeeding mother responds

I smile as I watch the tension build.  I quickly reach to unclasp the cage that holds my immediate comforter. In response to her whimpers, I feel the flow of nourishment flood down towards the receptacle-my baby.  Again, I am amazed by the natural reflex that opens the gates within, letting food and drink flow like manna and rain from heaven.

I feel glad that I am a mother – I have birthed this new life and still I give even more life in the form of this fluid that feeds, consoles, comforts and lulls to sleep.  It is satisfying, it is filling, it causes growth, it reduces disease, it is unique, it is powerful!

What a privilege to be me!

My baby feeds on, unaware of the powerful feelings surging through her mother. When her acute need reduces, she opens her eyes and looks at me. We stare at each other and take in every feature. We get to know each other and I fall in love again.

Her stomach begins to fill and her eyelids flutter as sleep beckons again. Finally, she lets go of my breast and the expression on her face is one of satisfaction and doziness.

Words cannot describe the feeling of that moment.  

In Conclusion

It has been a long journey to reach this point of satisfaction, we have struggled together to learn this art of breastfeeding that I was sure would be easy. We have battled and we have won and now we breastfeed as though there was never any struggle.

For all you mothers out there who feel uncertain if the struggle is worth it. I assure you it is. Give it one more try; it just might be the time it gets easy!

Whatever you choose, please banish guilt!

Where to obtain information on breastfeeding

La Leche International
An online forum with loads of willing people to help you with anything to do with breastfeeding. Groups nationwide to meet other like minded mothers.

La Leche UK
For those of us in the UK, this is where we can obtain a whole lot of information on breastfeeding. Supportive groups with Knowledgeable leaders on all aspects of breastfeeding. Amazing Groups!

Updated: 02/17/2012, MuminBusiness
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MuminBusiness on 12/22/2011

It truly is relaxing. I love it! I know I will miss it when my last baby gives up. Then I might just get broody again.

The Tshirts are great and would probably go some way to normalise breastfeeding. I like the idea of being compared to a superhero as there were definitely times I felt that way. It is so amazing, our ability to carry and nourish a child. I can never take it for granted.

Jimmie on 12/21/2011

I do remember the amazing feeling of nursing. It was truly relaxing. The tshirts are hilarious! I would never have had the nerve to wear something like that.

MuminBusiness on 12/21/2011

Hiya TerriRexson, I think I was one of the lucky few who got more support from the midwives than even my own family! If not for the great midwives, this wizz would not have been written! I was so nervous at the start and it was painful and I did not think I was making enough milk and ... :-D . It took a few months to get to the above relaxed point!

I then thankfully discovered La Leche League when I had my second and I was going through issues of feeding them both. I still attend the groups even now and I so wish I had known of them for my first baby as well. It is so nice speaking and spending time with people who know what they are talking about and people who have gone through the same issues. As you say, support in the UK can be poor and one definitely needs it at the start so unsurprisingly, breastfeeding numbers in the UK are not great. However if one finds a La Leche group, it can make a world of difference.

TerriRexson on 12/21/2011

It's lovely and I miss it. But I know it doesn't work out for everyone. The support for breastfeeding in the UK is pretty poor in my experience.

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