Melodious songs from daughter to mother that try to elaborate the bond of love and the gratitude are difficult to forget. Ladies, be prepared with a kerchief or tissue paper because some of these sound tracks are capable of blowing out a tear or two. And, watch out for the old timers, they are the songs people want to hear even in twenty’s.
The lyrics and tunes of 50’s and 60’s are just not for the people from 50th and 60th century, they are here to stay beyond 20th century. Delicious and adorable; the songs impel me to get up from the chair and go round and round in circles; dancing in frenzy. Such are these songs that you might find them perfect for an event such as Mother’s day, Wedding day of the daughter or even birthdays of mother and daughter.
Can you remember those soft tunes that you danced as a kid, whirled around as a teenager and would grab them again and again. Whenever you see them in the library or a mall, you end up picking them among all the modern new hi-fi tracks. I remember myself picking up “Sound of music” every time I had an opportunity.
The lyrics are catchy, the tunes are light and I love singing them to my kids. I loved the whole riot of melodies, my daughter loves it and I am sure my grand-daughter will love (when she arrives). The colorful story and the music of some movies are so engaging and lively that they are capable of entering into the heart. The uncanny talent of such musicians and singers has left a mark in the world of music creating waves even when they are no more.
© copyright WriterArtist 2013, all rights reserved
Image Credit Author Robert Walker Macbeth Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Do you think music enables bonding between mother and daughter?
In particular, I appreciate the Lladró figurine since it illustrates a daughter thanking her mother.
Doesn't it seem like an appreciative reversal to help one's parents with big things, like grocery-shopping and house-cleaning, and with little things, like hair care?
Hi sheilamarie,
Very nicely put - music helps to bond. I remember many songs from childhood that I used to sing with my mother.
Music is a lovely way of bonding generations. I love the image of you dancing around in your childhood home.