We are well aware what your six year old boy is all about. He is most likely to get easily bored and therefore he is in constant need of some sort of amusement. We’ve brought you the best range of products- guaranteed to keep both you and your little one thoroughly happy and entertained! Whether it’s a unique dartboard that he can enjoy to the fullest, or a Morphibian Killer Whale which can change shape and form over land and water and will make all his friends envy him. We’ve got something here to delight and amaze everyone!

Best Gifts for 6 Year Old Boys
by Tehreem
We have got amazing gifts which will inspire, stimulate and excite your 6 year old boy
Nerf Vortex PRAXIS Blaster
The first little fun blaster that we’ve got for your six year old son, would be the Nerf Vortex PRAXIS Blaster. It comes in intense shades of light red and vivid red and looks both bright and colorful. With a removable stock and a Tactical Rail System, you can now modify your blaster and fire and shoot any which way that you’d like! With large light green balls that are both functional and yet not hard, your kid can aim at his friends and have the best time of his life! And with instructions attached to the case, we’re also sure that he’ll have no trouble handling this light and safe blaster and having immense fun playing either with his friends or even on his own!
Illu Story A+ Book Kit
Got a budding author at home? Well here’s a great way to encourage their writing skills! This kit offers your child the chance to not only unleash their creative talent but get it published at the same time! Using the markers, pens and envelopes included in this kit your child can both write and illustrate their own story and then get it published the way real, professional authors can- no need to wait a couple of years or hire expensive editors or publishers! They can then use either the pre paid envelope to send us their beautiful piece of art and we will ensure that it reaches the rest of the world courtesy of our ‘About the Author’ feature, or they can garner all the rewards themselves and get it printed online as well!
Galaxy Morphibians Killer Whale
This is one of the coolest new toys we’re willing to offer your six year old. This ‘Morph’bian Killer Whale can transform itself into a hard driving, swimming whale with paddles and look as awesome as anything both on land and in water!
With a cool, leathery black skin and a retro orange design that mimics that of a real killer whale, this is one toy that drives well over rough surfaces on ground and swims in water like a real whale and will be sure to keep your child always happy and entertained.
Spy Gear Night Goggles
Does your child seem to whine and wail every Saturday night about the lack of something to do and cribs about the fact that he’s not being taken out? Well, worry no more! These spy gear night goggles provide perfect vision and make everything appear at once cooler, funkier and edgier with their LED beams of light and 25 feet vision in the dark- to the more imaginative of your children, it will immediately
appear as though he or she is out on the perfect top secret mission- that too within the confines of their own home! And being impact resistant and light weight, these goggles wont fall or break easy and certainly won’t give your child a headache at the end of the night.
Scientific Explorer Magic Science For Wizards
This fun and amazing kit is both educational and enjoyable- your child may always have been fascinated by magic and yet torn apart by how much they like Science and in conflict between whether to prefer the logic of science over the creativity and mystery of magic, but there’s now a way to combine the two into one awesome binding set of activities! Using this kit, your child will learn that there is indeed a great deal of logic, simple instructions and science behind magic and learn how to cast
spells, magic and even concoct weird potions that actually have medicinal properties! So be prepared- your child will soon dazzle you with the most baffling and yet explanatory brand of magic- using the power of science!
Zing Air Z-CurveBow
This is a gift that is definitely made for the more outdoorsy of all your kids- it comes as a vibrant and flamboyant, yet functional arrow in vivid hues of red, green and blue. With a soft and foamy suction arrow that will stick to any target it’s aimed at, and won’t in fact miss it’s target in the first place, this is one gift that your child will be sure to delightedly practice with, over and over again. And the additional set of amazing arrows included in this collection will in fact ensure that never again is your child’s only past time the TV!
Marky Sparky Doinkit Darts
We present you the Marky Sparky Doinkit Darts. The kit features a black dartboard with a multicolored inner dartboard that comprises shades of black, red and green. With the best magnetic darts, each made of rare earth magnets, this is one unique and elegant dartboard that will be sure to never miss it’s mark either during the game itself, or on your guests!
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I like the Magic Science kit the best. Pinning it onto several of my boards, and, again, am considering buying it for a friend's kid!