Best Mini Trampoline for Kids
by SusanM
You still need to think "safety" when you buy a mini trampoline for your kids
I did competitive trampolining (an area of gymnastics). So I look at trampolines and mini trampolines is a different way to most people.
Mini trampolines are a great option if a full size trampoline is too pricey or you don't have room for one.
Mini trampolines can be used indoors, take up far less room and you can get a high quality one for far less than a top quality trampoline.
But don't think you can just get any mini trampoline because they are just "kids' toys". They can still cause accidents. You wouldn't give your child a bike that wasn't safe. This is the same.
Are Mini Trampolines Safer?
You need to be careful which mini trampoline you buy
If you missed the news on mini trampolines research has found that they are dangerous just like full size trampolines. Are you surprised? Most people would be. Mini trampolines look so small and cute they couldn't be dangerous could they?
Researchers from Columbus Children's Research Institute which is on the campus of Columbus Children's Hospital proved in 2005 that the same sorts of injuries happen on mini trampolines as regular trampolines.
So before you rush out to buy that cute little mini trampoline you need to know what you are buying.
This mini trampoline pictured is a good choice for kids.
Mini Trampolines Need Hand Rails!!!
Many people think that because mini trampolines are low to the ground and small it means they are totally safe. This is not true. Kids can still hurt themselves on mini trampolines.
Mini trampolines don't come with an enclosure. They instead have hand rails.
Hand rails are important because if your child does loose their balance while jumping they have something they can grab to stop an accident. They also stop a child from falling forward off the mini trampoline. (But you shouldn't let your child swing off the bar. This is not safe.)
A Good Mini Trampoline
Worth your money
This mini trampoline is brightly colored making it fun for kids.
It has a good jumping area for kids (the mat is a much better size than the Diggin mini trampoline). This is important because it a bigger space for jumping on means there is less risk of hitting the hard side areas or falling off.
It also has the full hand rail for safety.
This is the sort of mini trampoline you want your kids to be jumping on.
Find Little Jumpers Trampolines on Ebay
What Not to Buy
A good example of what NOT to buy
This JumpSmart Trampoline is a bad mini trampoline for kids. It is colorful but the jumping mat is too small.
Having a small space like this to jump on increases your child's risk of having an accident. Kids don't always land in the right place and you want them to have a little room around their jumping area.
The hand rail is also bad for kids.
This mini trampoline also only has a half hand rail. Full hand rails that go right across the trampoline are much safer.
More Good Mini Trampoline Choices
More good mini trampolines with full hand rails and big jumping mats
Find Safe Bounce Trampolines on Ebay
Find Bazoongi Trampolines on Ebay
Information about Buying a Full Size Trampoline

A previous competitive trampoline sportsperson compares what's safe and what's not in trampolines.
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Updated: 09/13/2012, SusanM
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