Birthstones By Month - Modern Birthstones

by Angel

What is your true birthstone? Have you ever tried to look up your birthstone and did you find multiple options? It's ok, it's really up to you and your taste.

What Exactly Is My Birthstone?

There are so many lists of birthstones by month out there that it can be very confusing for you to look for what  your birthstone is or information on your birthstone.  If you don't like your birthstone you can just pick another stone and should most likely find some justification somewhere as to why that stone is for that month.  There are modern birthstone lists, traditional birthstone lists, zodiac birthstone lists, mystical birthstone lists, and Ayurvedic birthstone lists.  Each of these lists have different stones designated for each month.  There are even different birthstones broken down into which day of the week you were born.  Way too many to keep up with or even attempt to choose
from.    However, if you notice, all the colors of the stones are consistent for the most part.  So no matter which list you choose from, the color that represents your month is usually the same.

Modern Birthstones

In 1912, the American Association of Jewelers made a standardized list of gemstones for each month to represent what is called the Modern Birthstone List for the United States.  This list has been in effect for a long time and has only had one update in 2002 to  add Tanzanite to the official December birthstones list.  It is the most common list used in the United States today.  Take a look at the beautiful birthstones by month that make up this selection of birthstones.

January - Garnet
January - Garnet
July - Ruby
August - Peridot
February - Amethyst
February - Amethyst
September - Sapphire
March - Aquamarine
March - Aquamarine
October - Opal
April - Diamond
November - Topaz
May - Emerald
December - Tanzanite
June - Pearl

A Little History

The Modern List of birthstones was inspired by the breast plate of Aaron from Exodus 28 and 39 from the Bible.  Aaron was the brother of Moses and leader of the Hebrews.  Known as the Hebrews' high priest.  He wore a breast plate adorned with 4 rows of gems.  Each row included 3 stones.
There was one stone for each of the sons of Israel.  Depending on the scripture the stones are different and located in different places. 



Example Of The Breast Plate of Aaron
Astrology Influence

The determination of birthstones used to based heavily on Astrology.  Jewelers would consult with Astrologers as to which stones would help the forces of the planets be in their favor.  It was suggested that every person have a full 12 month set of stones to wear as each month passed.  It is believed that the stone gains its power if worn in the month it represents.  Those powers were thought to be magical and are still thought to be that way by many.  This type of determination of stones created what was called the Zodiac list.  This method of determining stones fizzled out by the 1600's and was replaced by simply creating a list of birthstone gems as we see from many lists today.

What If I Don't Like The Stone In The Modern List?

As I mentioned, there are so many different lists of birthstones by month that you can really have your pick.  If the stone from the Modern List is one that you don't like, I would suggest trying the Traditional List next.  There are so many choices and it is really up to the individual as to their taste.  I would be careful in your choice as you want to take complete advantage of the magical powers and energy associated with your birthstone and the good luck it can bring you.  Especially when worn in your birthday month. 

Great Birthstone Pieces
Updated: 01/19/2012, Angel
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Angel on 06/29/2012

Jasmine - moonstone is a favorite of mine too! I find all of the information surrounding gemstones to be fascinating.

Jasmine on 06/29/2012

Very interesting article! I like all gemstones, but especially amber and moonstone.

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