Cats! My Best Friend

by iggy

When your cat is part of the family you need to treat it that way. When it is always there for you when no one else is it becomes your best friend.

Many nights were spent with just my cat, this is by choice because the right person for me was not around yet. I came to realize that I would tell her my troubles and she would listen. I began to think she even understood. When I would date and she would meet them it was like she was checking them out, every once in a while I would get the impression that she approved of my choice. I always treat her like one of the family and she gets toys and treats of her own.

Best Friends

  If you are anything like me your cat is your best friend, My cat is always there for me. She knows when I am feeling down and comforts me, she knows when I am happy and she gets playful. When I happen to bring a date home It is like she is checking them out, every once in a while I get the feeling she approves. One day I came to the realization that she was my best friend, I treat her as part of the family. She gets Christmas and birthday presents, her own toys and treats. She came into my life by accident, or so it seemed at the time. Now I think she was always meant to be with me, I saved her and in a few ways she has saved me. That poses the question of who saved who the most and I always call it a tie.

  I do have a life outside of the home and I am happy with it, but I also know I have my friend at home waiting to love and play with me. It may sound strange for a grown man to have a cat, I never planned for it to happen. I would not do anything different either, this was my first cat and I did not know they had such personalities. She is unique and one of a kind and I treat her as such.

New Friends

Recently I have met someone that has become special to me, it may sound funny but I had to see how my cat liked her and how she treated my cat.  My Sassy went right up to her and I could tell she liked her because I seen her reactions when she did not approve. I was worried they might not get along or there would be some kind of jealous feelings from either one but the three of us seemed to fit together well. The only issue there was turned out to be the sleeping arrangements, my cat has always slept with me and still does. She just does it differently now. 

By author

Cat Bed

It was recommended to me that she may want her own bed, I did not like the thought at first because I became use to her being with me. Then I started thinking about her having a place of her own, I know that some nights when I do not feel good I keep moving and constantly wake her up making her move. I got her a bed and put it in the living room thinking she wold like to be where we are, she did not use it.  

  At the foot of my bed is a chest with my bed sheets and blankets, I sit on that in the morning and put my socks and shoes on. I placed it on there to one side and she uses it now, actually she seems to love it there. She still gets in bed with me but when she wants to lay down during the day she uses it every time, a couple of nights I saw in there as well.

Her New Bed

You can get a bed at your local pet stores, when I saw the price in my area I decided to go with one online.  She seemed to like this one, it is padded on the sides as well as the bottom. It is completely open on top and gives her the freedom to jump into bed from it, this is something you may want to consider when buying a cat bed. Also remember you may have to try a few spots until you find one she is comfortable with, this is about her and her comfort so you may even have to make a place for it.

Happy Family

  The three of us are now a big happy family, sometimes my girlfriend gets more attention then I do. I should be jealous but I am just happy that my two girls like each other and they both love me. I still talk to me cat, and I thank her for all the lonely nights she got me through,  We are still there for each other but she can relax now and just be a cat. I can tell she is happy by how much she plays, she has been doing it a lot lately. I always get her treats and other stuff, she will remain a part of the family in my eyes forever.

  So if you are like me and treat you cat better then you treat most of your human friends, then make him/her comfortable and appreciate your time with her,

Updated: 04/11/2018, iggy
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dustytoes on 12/29/2015

What a cute story. Any man who loves cats cannot be bad. Glad you found a girlfriend the cat approves of!

iggy on 12/28/2015

she is... but I am the lucky one I think.

DerdriuMarriner on 12/28/2015

iggy, Thank you for sharing Sassy with your readers! She's a lucky kitty.

iggy on 05/12/2015

Thank you, she has two beds now that I see she likes them.

candy47 on 05/12/2015

I'm glad that you got Sassy a bed of her own, that way she can decide where she wants to sleep...sometimes she just wants to be alone! Lovely article.

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