Cestrum aurantiacum Or Orange Jessamine - Not Real Jasmine Plants

by VioletteRose

Cestrum aurantiacum or Orange jessamine are not real jasmine plants. They are great ornamental plants with beautiful orange flowers, but they are invasive and poisonous too.

When we hear jasmine plants we think about the plants that produce white fragrant flowers and there are over 200 varieties of species of them. They are decorative, ornamental plants that can bring fragrance and beauty to your garden. The flowers are white, fragrant and small in most cases.

However, the orange jasmine flowers are non fragrant, but small and decorative flowers that can add beauty to your colorful tropical gardens and they are very different from the real jasmine flowers. They are different species of plants with different flowers - although the name is similar probably due to some similarity in appearance.

Note that there is also a real jasmine variety which is known as orange jasmine - but they have off white or white flowers. So the Orange jessamine or orange jasmine flowers from Cestrum aurantiacum is altogether a different kind of plant that resembles the real jasmine flowers but they look colorful unlike the real jasmine.

The beauty of the flowers and the colorful nature make them great ornamental plants. When they start flowering, they give bunches of colorful jasmine like flowers so there is no doubt they look great in gardens. However the downside of planting them in your garden is that they can be invasive and they are also known to be very toxic to livestock.

If you want to plant the orange jessamine in your garden, it is better to use potted plants so they don't become easily invasive. Also if you have pets or small children in your home, it won't be a good idea to plant these. There have been incidents where the grazing cattle got sick from the leaves of Cestrum aurantiacum, and some of those animals even died from eating these plants. 

In short, the plants and flowers looks great so it is only advisable to plant them where it is not accessible to animals and young children.

The below shown orange jasmine plant in pot from Amazon is a fast growing shrub and it can reach up to 6 to 8 feet height. The Cestrum aurantiacum plant is also known as orange zest peel jasmine, and the jasmine or jessamine flowers have nice citrus scent that is usually a strong scent at night.

The only thing is that these are not real jasmine.

Below you can see another variety - Cestrum nocturnum. This plant is also thought to be toxic and invasive.

There are also other beautiful real jasmine plants that look similar to the above (the first shown plant) orange zest jasmine - they have great fragrance and beauty too but they are varieties of real jasmine. If you wish you can check them out here. You can see two varieties below -  there is the real orange jasmine flowers and also the mock orange jasmine flowers that bloom at night. These are also available in Amazon if you wish to buy. 

The interesting thing about the real orange jasmine flowers is that the flowers do not actually look orange in color - they are almost white in color.

Do you like the flowers that resemble the real jasmine flowers?

Updated: 09/30/2016, VioletteRose
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VioletteRose on 10/03/2016

Thank you blackspanielgallery, you're right!

blackspanielgallery on 10/01/2016

I like the potted planting idea. I have had certain plants just keep on spreading, and re-sprout from the roots. It is important to not allow excessive and difficult to remove spreading.

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