Cheadle Hulme History Walk, Cheshire

by Veronica

Cheadle Hulme ( Pronounced Hyoom ) is my village and 7 years ago I wrote a Cheadle Hulme History Walk and took photos.I have updated it today.

Today, I took my grandchildren on the Cheadle Hulme Walk that I wrote 7 years ago. It needed updating as the village has changed a little.
Cheadle Hulme.
I have lived here for 43 years and while some areas change with time, my particular part of Cheadle Hulme has changed little because it is part of a conservation area and therefore subject to strict planning permission because of the age. There have been some changes though.

Cheadle Hulme dates back hundreds of years and I planned a circular walk around the locality passing various refreshment places. I researched the history and loved doing it. Along the walk, there are various stopping points and I asked my husband to walk it and check I had all the directions right. My house was built in about 1912.

Cheadle Hulme means " a water meadow by a clearing in a wood ".

For more information on Cheadle Hulme here is a link.

Lych Gate
Lych Gate
Veronica's Photo


If you choose to do this walk, responsibility for your walking safety in sensible shoes, clothing and road safety is entirely yours and not ours. We take no responsibility for how you undertake the walk. 

Woods Lane.

From the car park on Woods Lane,  walk down to Church Rd.  Where the High School stands, a Sports and Fireworks day was held in 1919 to celebrate the end of The Great War in 1918. A National School was built in 1873. 

Cross the road at the crossing and walk down to All Saint's Church. It was built approx 1862/3.

The Church Inn

The Church Inn, formerly known as the Knapsack was built towards the end of the 18th Century approx.  1790s and acquired its original name after the landlord named John Brown (Nicknamed The Nap). Opposite The Church Inn is The Governor’s House which used to be a private residence called Ravenoak. It was built in 1882 and rebuilt in 1998. This is on the site of the old Pump House. There was a large pond by the road at this site.

The War memorial
The War memorial
Veronica's photo
The Church Inn
The Church Inn
Veronica's photo

The War Memorial

Walking up  Ravenoak Rd, from the Church Inn on the left after Swann Lane, you will see a line of 16th C cottages. Swann Lane is named after the old Swann Acre and Swann Meadow. Crossing the road to the left-hand side, you will see at the brow of a bridge, a foundation stone saying how the bridge was widened in 1935. 

Walking down to the mini roundabout, The War Memorial is on the right ahead. It was built in 1919 and officially ‘opened’ in 1920.

Millington Hall

Turning left now up Station Road, on the left is the Old Police Station which was built in 1912. It is now a block of flats.

Cross Station Road. on the right is a Methodist Church. Cheadle Hulme is traditionally a strong Methodist area. Millington Hall further down on the right (now the John Millington pub) is a Grade II listed building.  It was constructed in 1683 and was part of the Lane End hamlet of Cheadle Hulme. It was built for Stockport alderman John Millington

Millington Hall
Millington Hall
Veronica's own
Cheadle Hulme Library
Cheadle Hulme Library
Veronica's photo

Cheadle Hulme Library was built in 1936.

Hulme Hall Built approx 1419

Hulme Hall dates back to the Plantagenet era having been constructed around 1419 by the Vernon family. It was extended in 1867.

1419 !  So approx. 73 years before Columbus set sail

Old painting of the original Hulme Hall

a very old painting of the original Hulme Hall
a very old painting of the original Hulme Hall
Hulme Hall
Hulme Hall
Veronica's Photo
The Old Fire Station
The Old Fire Station
Veronica's Photo

The Old Fire Station

Near the Hall on the left, before you reach a sharp bend in Hulme Hall Rd Rd, you will see a large doorway. This was the original Cheadle Hulme Fire Station. The new fire station opened in 1960.
Opposite the Old Fire Station, you will see Higham Street, which is a very old part of Cheadle Hulme. The Old Cottage on Higham Street was built during the mid-1500s, approx. Henry V111 time, and since then has been an inn called the Fox & Grapes, a farmhouse, the Reverend Joshua Brookes’ House and a cottage. The Market Square was situated here when Cheadle Hulme was called Cheadle Moseley.



The corner of Higham Street and Hulme Hall Rd
The corner of Higham Street and Hulme Hall Rd
c/o Manchester Evening News

 The old Hulme Hall School, a private school, has recently been demolished for a swish housing estate.  Further down on the right though is another private school.   Continue walking along Hulme Hall Road and you are back where you started. You have now done a circular walk of Cheadle Hulme South. 

These are just a few photos of where I live. I hope you like them as much as I like living here.

Updated: 08/30/2022, Veronica
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DerdriuMarriner on 05/15/2024

The sixth subheading, The old fire station, considers the previous name of Cheadle Hulme as Cheadle Moseley.

English Wiktionary correlates Moseley with Old English mos ("bog, peat") and leah ("clearing, woodland") or with Old English mus ("mouse") and leah ("clearing, woodland").

Which option of the two above-mentioned etymologies might apply to the Cheadle Hulme area: a clearing/woodland with bogs/peat or -- ;-D -- one with mice?

DerdriuMarriner on 05/14/2024

Thank you for inviting us along on such an educational, historic, pleasant walk.

Your photos are so clear and so well-focused, that the green foliage and the white walls, especially in the last in-text image, are bright- and clean-looking.

The sixth subheading, The old fire station, ends with the statement that "The Market Square was situated here when Cheadle Hulme was called Cheadle Moseley."

What motivated being called Cheadle Moseley, then not being called Cheadle Moseley any longer, finally being called Cheadle Hulme?

Veronica on 08/30/2022

Today, we took the grandchildren on the Cheadle Hulme History Walk which I wrote 7 years ago. As we walked around, we realised that the village had changed slightly and so the walk needed updating. Here is the updated walk above.

Veronica on 09/02/2017


Cheadle Hulme Library is very small and quaint. It has computer there and a small range of books,
It now has a machine to check books in and out but that's about it.

DerdriuMarriner on 09/01/2017

Veronica, Is the library like in the United States with free audio-visual and printed checkouts, computer use and library card and with charges for classes on genealogy and technology and for use of meeting and study rooms?

Veronica on 09/03/2015

Thank you . Yes we are very privileged I think. But not everyone appreciates where they live.

happynutritionist on 09/03/2015

So interesting to live in a country where history goes back further than just a couple hundred plus years. And you live in such a quaint place.

Veronica on 09/01/2015

Ha yes 1912 makes it newer although there are some newer ones.

CruiseReady on 09/01/2015

What a charming place you live in! Thank you for the wonderful pictures. So, I guess your house is one of the NEWER old strictires?

Veronica on 09/01/2015

There are many interesting places in the North West. I consider myself to be happily situated , within 90 minutes drive of, the beauty of Wales and Welsh border, The English Lake District , The Peak District and many other good features.

Cheadle Hulme is a quiet little backwater and I feel very privileged to step out of my door and see such lovely historic buildings close by. There are many new builds in C/Hulme but I have listed some of the historic ones.

The 1419 house, Hulme Hall, is less than half a mile from my house.

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