Current color trends in weddings

by mihgasper

Times with one dominating wedding color (possibly white or off-white) are definitely over. Expect wild combos, striking contrasts, shiny metals. Expect the unexpected!

Wedding color palettes are changing year after year, yet certain trends are obvious and relatively predictable. This article is not aiming at a detailed list of current popular color combinations. These are more than satisfactory discussed in numerous on- and off-line magazines. Our intention is to present more long-term trends, which could be used for your personal wedding planning just like at everybody involved in this multi-billion dollar business, from jewelers to hairdressers, confectioners to stylists, videographers to decorators ... In short - let's take a look!


Diamonds are still forever and cubic zirconia is a close second alternative. On the other hand, the supremacy of shiny colorless stones was never so threatened since De Beers managed to set the diamond as de facto standard in modern wedding somewhere in the twenties of the 20th century.


Not only we have top quality diamond substitutes, like synthetic diamonds and moissanite which even outshine the real diamonds, we have a whole spectrum of colors, ready to be put in the center of your wedding color palette. Colored diamonds are available in yellow, pink, red, blue, black and other tones, often called with fancy names like champagne, cognac or chocolate.

What are the colors of your choice?

Apart from diamonds more and more other precious and semi-precious stones are coming into the spotlight: emeralds, sapphires, and rubies are already part of the classic repertoire. Today's favorites are morganite, alexandrite, and tanzanite, all available in astonishing shades and tints. Thanks to their rarity their price often surpasses diamonds'.


Stones are not the only part of the ring coming in a variety of colors - the band is not necessary yellow or white too.

They can be pinkish or black and even patterned (think about camo and flowery designs), sometimes decorated with engravings, crystals, and other embellishments. Instead of gold, you can go with stainless steel or tungsten if you want. Or completely replace the ring with something else - like a tattoo.


The dashing white wedding is still perfectly acceptable. Some pairs go even further and charm with all white gowns - for the bride, the groom, bridesmaids, flower girls, ... Pastel tones like pink or turquoise and classic navy or royal blue are still going strong, yet new daring colors and combinations are definitely having their fifteen minutes (or years) of glory.


Burnt orange, burgundy look relatively calm comparing with gold and similar metallic or even fluorescent wedding colors. Monochromatic wedding attire is totally yesterday's news - daring mixtures like eggplant, strawberry and tangerine are the new standards where three, four and even more colors dominate the scene, which, by the way, can change the palette and the whole feel from hour to hour.

Just take a look!



Themed weddings are a perfect example of a template where preset rules bend due specific interests of the bride and the groom. A chosen color set is introduced as early as at engagement announcements, but it often evolves from gentle tones to bold ones or plays with a theme through time, place or other dimensions in the wedding theme.


Classic paper stationary is still there but dozens of top notch print-on-demand services offer thousands and thousands of options to play with graphics, what includes colors as well. With style like  chalkboard and Art Deco on the rise, we can expect a lot of different shades of grade with strong contrasts based on black or strong colors like red or gold.


When we start playing with fonts, formats, photos of the happy couple and inspirations from pop culture (how about a Star Wars themed wedding?), it's clear we can summarize all wedding trends into one huge conclusion: it is all about personalization. Customization is everywhere, from Save The Dates to Thank You Notes, from Will You Be My Maid Of Honor?" shirts to wedding favors, from bridal diapers to wedding tuxedos for the pets.

Yes, making a spectacular video about your wedding entry is almost a must. And if it's any good, don't hesitate to upload it to YouTube!


It has been a while since the first bouquets and other flower arrangements became a part of weddings. Knowing how garlic and thyme were used to protect against evil spirits, we can't be surprised to found out that main reason why flowers and herbs stayed so popular for so many centuries - they masked the body odor of the newlyweds and wedding guests.


Today, roses, hydrangeas, and tulips are still among most popular choices, but a growing trend of bolder colors and forms is obvious in the area of wedding bouquets too. All kinds of wildflowers with lots of ferns, greenery, woodland, and berries. All these are used for headpieces, boutonnieres, corsages, table centerpieces (in terracottas, please) and just about everywhere else.


If white and pastel colors dominated in past years, more and more green and brown colors can be found today. Nature is coming back and vintage style with somehow more modest flowers like sweet peas, forget me not and carnations. While flower walls are still too expensive for the majority of couples, a lovely backdrop can be made of branches, vines, leaves, moss or even paper rosettes.

Now just add some ribbons, ropes, decorative knots, feathers, drapery, string lights or even chandeliers, and it's clear that weddings of tomorrow won't hesitate to offer a true feast for all senses without sacrificing the happy couple's individuality. Yes, weddings are a huge business, but they can be ultimate expressions of our culture and society too!

Updated: 11/24/2016, mihgasper
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What were (or will be) your wedding colors?

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mihgasper on 06/17/2023

You are right, DerdriuMarriner, diamonds, and gold are a classic choices. I have followed wedding trends for almost two decades, and I can say almost everything else comes and goes. So it's up to you if you want to be trendy or just go with a classic route.

DerdriuMarriner on 12/21/2022

Diamonds and gold are so easy to match in terms of other jewelry for the wedding ceremony and for life thereafter.

Would the trend still be to match other jewelry with wedding jewelry -- such as diamond-, diamond-like-set gold anklets, bracelets, earrings and necklaces?

Or would there be a rising trend toward anything goes, toward contrasts, such as dark-banded, light-stoned rings with dark-stoned, dark-set and dark-stoned, light-set anklets, bracelets, earrings and necklaces?

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