Crystal Meditation Using Quartz Crystals

by marciag

Crystal meditation is not one of the meditation techniques as such. It is a modern technique that uses crystals as your focus when meditating.

Crystal meditation is not one of the meditation techniques as such. It is a modern
technique that uses crystals as your focus when meditating.

You can use any aids to help you meditate, such as Japa Mala (meditation beads), chanting a mantra, focusing on a candle or on a crystal, as we will see below.

I have personally used crystals when meditating and it does work, especially if you are drawn to quartz crystals in your spiritual journey.

The first thing is to choose your crystal to meditate on. You might already have one that you keep nearby at all times - my favorite one is a rose quartz crystal (see image further down) that I bought many years ago at a psychic festival.

The best place to buy such stones are New Age store or Wicca store. I found that they usually have a much better supply than anything else.

Buddha holding a crystal for meditation
Buddha holding a crystal for meditation

Cleansing The Quartz Crystal

There are several ways to cleanse your crystal, and each of them is a right way to do it. It all depends on your personal preference or what you have access to.

  • Keep it under constant running water for a few minutes. The best is natural water (a river), however not everyone has easy access to one, so holding it under running tap water will also work. While you are holding it under the water, simply imagine that all the energy of other people is washed away from it, until you are able to see your crystal pure and clean.
  • Bury it in the ground. This is another way to cleanse it, and this works great for people who have a garden or backyard. Keep it buried overnight so it has time to properly cleanse.
  • Use a salty water bath if your crystal can take the salt. Emerge it for a few hours, up to one night. Salt is great for removing any energy imprints from it. However make sure that you know about your type of crystal and that it is not sensitive to salt. For example Angelite is one that should not come into contact with salt at all.
  • Smudging the crystal with sage is said to work, especially by the people who are interested in Wicca practices. If your crystal is not taking a water bath well, then smudging it with either sage or incense is a great way to cleanse it for use.

It is important that your crystal is touched only by you - if anyone else touched it, you need to cleanse it again, to remove the energy left behind by the other person. This is your personal meditation crystal to be used by you only.

Cleaning Your Meditation Crystal

one of the quartz crystals I use at home for meditatingBefore you are meditating with a crystal, it is important to clean and cleanse it prior to a first use. This is because the crystal keeps the imprint of every person that has touched it before. Just because the crystal is new to you, it doesn't mean that it is really new.

Crystals have existed for thousands of years, and they have been touched by many, many people. To make it truly yours, you need to cleanse it the right way.

There are two steps for the process: first to clean it physically from any dirt, oil or mud, and then to cleanse it to remove the energies of other people who have touched it before.

To physically clean the crystal from dirt, from mud or any other debris, you can use a dry brush on it. Just make sure that the brush is not very harsh to not damage your piece. You can scrub it under running warm water using a medium to soft toothbrush.

Avoid using any steel brushes as you will end up scratching your chosen crystal.

Image copyright: marciag

A Great Quartz Crystal For Meditation

Perfect because of its faceted pyramid shape
Clear Quartz Crystal Pyramid 1" to 1 1/4".

The Crystal Meditation - How To Do It

Once your crystal is properly cleansed, it is ready to be used in your meditation practice. One of the easy meditation techniques that you can use to focus on your crystal is below for you to try. This meditation is practiced with your eyes open, focusing on the crystal.

1. Use your meditation room - or find a quiet place where you will be practicing meditation. It is important that you use the same room every time. 

2. Place your crystal on a table in front of you where you can easily see it, preferably at eye level so you can easily gaze at it without your eyes getting tired.

3. Relax and start to breath in and out deeply and slowly. 

4. Look at the imperfections of the crystal and simply gaze into them. Just gaze without analyzing.
5. If you notice your mind wandering away, simply gently focus again on the crystal in front of you.

6. After a while, gazing on the crystal will feel very natural and you will experience a sense of calm.

7. Just keep gazing at it lightly without straining your eyes and keep your mind floating without any thoughts at all until you feel that you are rested. 

8. Take a few deep breaths and end the session. You can also meditate by holding the crystal in your hands. In this case you can keep your eyes closed as you will feel the crystal instead of seeing it.

Some people use crystal meditation by lying down on the bed and placing it on one of their chakra points on the body. 

Alternatively you can place it in front of your feel or next to your head (at your crown chakra). 

Crystal meditation is easy and you can use any technique that you have used until now to meditate. You simply incorporate the crystal in your daily practice.

Also don't be afraid to try out various stones and see which is best for your crystal meditation. It doesn't have to be an exotic piece to help you along. I have tried several pieces until I finally settled down with my rose quartz crystal, as this was the one that really spoke to me.

Here Is A Simple Meditation for Working with Crystals

Updated: 09/22/2013, marciag
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Do You Have A Crystal At Home?

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marciag on 09/21/2013

UberGeekGirl those are great tips (and actually the subject of a new article, that's why I didn't mention them here). That's what I also do (well, except for burying them, as it's not posible about here, I live in a flat), but the rest is exactly what I do before a meditation session or before doing Reiki.

Holistic_Health on 09/21/2013

I've been reading about gem stones and how they can enhance your life. Great info!

jptanabe on 09/21/2013

Fascinating - I didn't know about cleaning a crystal before using it. I don't have a crystal for mediation, but now I'll be on the lookout for one.

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