Cute Lambs In Spring

by Raintree

Spring lambs in the fields and new life in Spring is lovely. Here we celebrate lambs in photographs, quotes, poetry, and lamb information.

There is nothing quite like a beautiful lamb in a sunny spring meadow to warm the heart.
The sweet faces, cute bleeting voices and cheeky antics always make me smile and I look forward to fields of lambs each Spring. This page is simply a celebration of this time during Spring.

I admire the way the ewes protect the lambs and how amazing it is when they call to the lamb or the lamb calls to the ewe and they find each other in a huge field of sheep. I love seeing the lambs jumping around chasing each other and just full of the joy of young life! I love how inquisitive the lambs are and the cheeky looks they give.

To me seeing a field full of ewes and lambs is the essence of Springtime. There are many ways to celebrate this, beautiful poetry, photographs and pictures, costumes and toys for children. So here is a moment in time as we enjoy the lambs.

Please note all the photographs on this page were taken by me unless stated otherwise. Please do not copy.

Ewe With her Lambs

This ewe had three of her own and one that sneaked in!
Ewe With her Lambs
Ewe With her Lambs
Photo Taken by Raintree

Lambing On The Farm

 I used to help a shepherd every Spring wit the lambing on his farm. I loved helping out and found it a really magical time.

I was always amazed how the ewes used to give the birthing mother space and surround her as she gave birth. Many ewes had no trouble but some did and required the shepherd and sometimes the vet to intervene. 

Sadly very occasionally a ewe would die but the lamb would live. Also sometimes for some reason a ewe would reject one of her lambs headbutting it away and not allowing it to feed. The shepherd would try to get her to accept it but when that failed the lamb needed to be hand reared. This is intensive work and requires a lot of time but I really enjoyed helping out.

I used to look after the orphaned or rejected lambs when I could and particularly enjoyed feeding them. Their little tails would go like crazy!


Two Lambs Nursing

Ewe patiently feeding her lambs.
Two Lambs Nursing
Two Lambs Nursing
Photo taken by raintree

Do You Like Lambs?

Lambing Time Open Days

I carry a love of lambs and still visit a local college each year when they have their lambing open days.

The college are very careful that no sheep are crowded or distressed at all by people being there. All the sheep we saw were relaxed and the lambs very curious. 

I think the open days are a great idea as it educates children about sheep and lambing and is a very educational and fun day out in the Springtime.  All the photos I took here are from those open days. 

Lamb Toys For Baby

Lamb Baby Toys For Children
Baby GUND Winky Lamb Huggybuddy Stuffed Animal Plush Blanket, White

GUND is proud to introduce Winky — a precious little white lamb that’s even softer than she looks! Huggybuddy plush toys bridge the gap between baby’s favorite blanket, and baby...

$25.00  $14.99

View on Amazon

LotFancy 16" Sitting Lamb Stuffed Animal, Baby Lamb Stuffed Animals Plush Toy with Pink Paw, Bell...

Soft and Cuddle This adorable lamb stuffed toy is stuffed with high quality pp cotton and covered with super soft plush, parents can be assured that this puppy toy is comfortabl...

Only $15.69

View on Amazon

Taggies Crinkle Me Baby Toy, Sherbet Lamb

What a fun, soothing activity toy for baby. Crinkle Me Taggie is 6.5 x 6.5-inches, with a fun animal applique and colorful patterned fabric on the outside, crinkle paper and squ...

$10.99  $9.99

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Baby GUND Animated Talking Nursey Time Lamb with 5 Nursery Rhymes, 10"

GUND is proud to present a new animated bedtime friend for baby. At the push of a button, Nursey Time Lamb recites five nursery rhymes - Hickory Dickory Dock, Humpty Dumpty, Jac...

$40.00  $30.72

View on Amazon

Baby GUND Lena Lamb Brahms' Lullaby Musical Stuffed Animal Plush, White, 10"

GUND is proud to introduce Lena Lamb — a cute and cuddly plush that makes naptime a more musical experience! Turn the winding key on her back to hear “Brahms’ Lullaby” in soft t...

Only $15.00

View on Amazon

Mary Meyer Inspirational Wind-Up Musical Lamb Soft Toy, Jesus Loves Me

Fall in love with Melody Wind Up Musical Lamb,a sweet 12 inch long friend that is sized just right for little onesto hold. The ultra-soft microfiber fabric is easy to clean, jus...

Only $20.06

View on Amazon

What Are Male And Female Sheep Called?

Female sheep are called ewes.

Baby sheep are called lambs.

Male sheep are called rams.

If male sheep are neutered they are called wethers. 

Lambing Time

Lambs In Spring by Our Friends At Flickr
Spring Lambs
Spring Lambs
Lamb Spring Site
Lamb Spri...
Lammetjes genieten van de lente 8-4-17
Lamb's Lettuce Blooming
Lamb's Le...
Home Schooling
Home Scho...
Spring lambs in Oxfordshire
Spring la...

How Many Lambs?

A ewe is usually pregnant for about five months. Most lambs in the UK are born in Spring in March or April.

Lambs can be born as single lambs, or quite often as twins. Some lambs are born as triplets or even quadruplets. However Twins are usually the most common.

On average lambs weigh about nine pounds when they are born.


The Lamb By William Blake

Little Lamb, who made thee?

Dost thou know who made thee?

Gave thee life, and bid thee feed
By the stream and o'er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing, woolly, bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice?
Little Lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?

Little Lamb, I'll tell thee,
Little Lamb, I'll tell thee:
He is called by thy name,
For he calls himself a Lamb.
He is meek, and he is mild;
He became a little child.
I a child, and thou a lamb.
We are called by his name.
Little Lamb, God bless thee!
 Little Lamb, God bless thee!

A Lamb Is Born

Soft Lamb Musical Toy

Gund Baby Lena Lamb Musical Toy, Brahms Lullaby

An irresistibly soft little lamb whose fleece is, can we just say, as white as snow! This sweet little lamb has a soothing sound and a comforting texture. She gently sways her ...

Only $39.95

Two Cute Lambs

These two lambs were so cheeky and very inquisitive!
Two Cute Lambs
Two Cute Lambs
Photo Taken By Raintree
Updated: 01/01/2016, Raintree
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Raintree on 10/22/2014

What a lovely thing to do. I adore those little lambs. We always go to see the lambs near us in Spring :)

happynutritionist on 09/30/2014

One of my favorite things to see in the Spring when we go to Lancaster, PA is the little lambs, they are so precious.

Raintree on 09/26/2013

Hi sheilamarie I am glad it brought back happy memories :) I agree lambing is such a special time, I loved it !

sheilamarie on 09/26/2013

This brought back fond memories! My husband and I raised sheep when our kids were small. Lambing was such a special time!

Raintree on 09/24/2013

Yes they really are adorable little lamb costumes :) Lambs are just so cute:) Thank you for your comments

ologsinquito on 09/24/2013

Those little lamb costumes are so cute!

nightbear on 08/24/2012

I can't believe how cute these little ones are. I was enthralled by the video. Wow! amazing. nature is awesome. Great page Jasmine Ann!

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