Diablo series has a long history. Diablo and Diablo II have many fans all around the world. It is impossible to find a gamer who does not know about these games. Release of the third part of the series will be one of the most important events in gaming industry. All players are looking forward to play Diablo 3. Everybody knows it will be a great game.

Diablo 3
by Duel1st
Diablo 3 is the most expected game of the year. Diablo 1 and 2 were very popular. Will the third part of the game be also cool?
Information about the game
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Similar games: Diablo, Diablo II
Availability in online stores: available for PC, MAC, OS X
Diablo III was announces in June of 2008 and the official release is going to be on the 15th of May 2012. You can order the game now.
The Game story
The game takes place in Sanctuary. It is a dark fantasy world of Diablo and Diablo II. That means we will continue our old fight. 20 years had passed since unnamed heroes of Diablo 2 were fighting against armies of the Burning Hells… Now it’s your turn to show all your skills. Defeat the enemy or die in battle.
Many gameplay elements will be taken from previous Diablo games. That means all fans of previous games will not be disappointed. All traditional elements will stay the same. And it is good. Diablo 3 will be focused on the story and team gaming. The graphic engine will allow players to see all game advantages. The game does not require last hardware models and DirectX 10 support. Graphic engine will allow to run the game on a wide range of systems.
An enhanced quest system, a random level generator, and a random encounter generator will be used to give a different experience to a player during the game.
Inventory of the game was changed but all changes are positive. There will be more available place in the inventory and it will be comfortable to use it. The money counter remains the same and your money will not require place in the inventory. Armor and weapon will require 2 slots each. Other items will require one slot.
Hardcore game
Previous Diablo games had a special mod – Hardcore. Hardcore characters become unplayable if they are killed. It was a very interesting game mode. This mod is also available in Diablo III
Blizzard team worked hard to make a new fantastic masterpiece. I bet a lot of players will buy the game and spend many hours playing it. Diablo III will become a Game of the Yearand will be the best in all Diablo series. It is a must play game.
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