Do You have Pet Peeves?
by samsons1
Of all the situations you found yourselves in today, what little, or large occurrence could you say has caused your blood to heat-up, let’s say, just a little bit…
A society that feels free to judge others...
“I’ve had it! If I knew who did that I’d wring their neck.” Whoa… somebody’s mad. What on earth are they talking about? Do you mean someone’s actions or in-actions would cause someone to ‘fume’ like that? What on earth could cause one to rant and rave so violently that they would lose their temper and actually strike someone or at least give them a good tongue lashing? Are we becoming a society that feels free to judge another to the extent of executing that judgment ourselves? What have we become…
Is there anything others do that 'gets' to you?
Don't react too quickly...
What peeves you? Could it be traffic, someone in-considerate cuts in front of you causing you to stand on your brake with such force that your coffee spills out in the front floorboard while narrowly missing the car beside you as you swerve to miss collision allowing this nitwit to comfortably pull in front of you— “If I could get my hands on that thoughtless hunk of flesh…” and then you notice a handicapped tag on the back of his, or is it- her car. In about three blocks you are able to pull up alongside her at the red light and you glance over to see a small grey haired lady that reminds you somewhat of your own grandmother. She moves over into the right-hand lane with her turn signal on as you look up to notice the hospital sign on the pole and you swallow that lump that just came up in your throat thankful that you didn’t lay on your horn a few blocks back when she cut in front of you. She may be going to visit a sick friend or relative and was totally unaware that just moments before she and her antiquated automobile abruptly invaded your space and almost caused a catastrophe and the colliding of her world with yours. Now, aren’t you glad you just let go of it, no one was really hurt, maybe just your pride…
Some people don't care how they look...
Maybe your pet peeve is the slouchy appearence of some peoples’ dress at WalMart. Now there’s a subject we all can relate too. You’ve probably even received emails depicting the dress, or lack of it some people seem to exhibit when they shop at WalMart. I say at WalMart because I’ve never notice the lewd appearance of people while shopping at the mall or Sears. They may even have someone that addresses this issue at the other stores, but it seems people go out of their way to ‘dress down’ when it comes to WalMart. I have some friends that wear my ear out every few days about how this perturbs them to no end. Others say shoppers just leave shopping carts beside their car after downloading their purchases without taking them to the numerous parking locations provided throughout the parking lot. I’ve even seen people push their empty carts into handicap parking spaces not caring that someone else is going to have to move it before some needy person parks in that slot.
‘Only in America…’, one might say; At least I hope the rest of the world is not getting that self-centered and inconsiderate of their fellowman. But, you may be thinking of other pet peeves that seemingly trouble you even more than the few I’ve listed. Wonder if we might even ‘peeve’ someone…
© 2011 SamSonS
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thank you so much bayoulady and Happy New Year. I really enjoyed reading you comments and must say I agree whole heartedly. If people could just see themselves as others see them-- and the waitresses, that just happened to us at Fatz...
What a fun topic! The first peeve (oh....I have MANY......) that popped into my head was those hack-snotters in restaurants that blow their noses at the tables,cough and hack,thus making my tummy feel a bit queasy. May I have one more turn? Waitresses that are too busy flirting with a co-worker to even make a pass-by to see if I need refill,until I have finished my meal. Then they dart to my table, and ever so sweetly want to fill my tea glass. Makes me want to forgo theit tip.......and mind you, I DO sometimes make mean eyes at 'em!
thanks brl for adding your fine comment and I agree, some things are pathetic and eating with your mouth open is one of them. It must be from lack of instruction at home or failure to parent properly. I remember distinctly hearing both parents instruct me "no one wants to see that" also "it's bad manners". Evidently back then it was mandatory to learn to eat properly as a reflection on your parents...
thanks ethel for you fine comments. I know what you mean, I use to work the window at the USPS and the number 1 complaint I heard from our customers was the apathetic attitude of some of the window clerks. Please accept my apologies...
Mine is disrespectful people, such as the post office clerk who carries on a chat as if you are invisible. It only makes me fume if I let it though. Rudeness is sadly a huge part of the age
Thanks so much Terri for your visit and for sharing. How about people that walk with their dogs and let the dog do 'their business' in your front yard...
My current one is people with dogs who seem to have no idea that some children are nervous of them. And people who think 'no dogs' signs don't apply to them in the local park. Just realized my pet peeve actually involved pets!
thanks Big_Joe for stopping by and making comment. People are truly funny...
thanks mulberry for your interesting comments. I received an email once where an officer observed something like you mentioned happened to you and he pulled the car over and ask to see registration and ownership papers. He had likewise noticed a bumper sticker or 'fish' emblem and just knew the original owner would not act like that... Ha, I thought you were going to say you saw an Obama sticker; some of them thinks that gives them the right, you know...
oh my yes. Just read any story on the internet and then read the comments. Steaming, firey, hang 'em high comments. Forget the trial, forget that accidents happen...someone is to blame and needs to pay for this.
One of my personal favorite experiences was driving down a busy highway and being passed by a big luxury car with a middle aged man in it. He blew his horn, pulled back in directly in front of me, and flashed me the bird. Mad as heck. He must have thought I was driving too slow or perhaps I cut him off unknowingly at an earlier point in time. I was oblivious to any such crime.
Then as he sped off I noticed his bumper sticker. "WWJD?" I don't know, but I doubt he would have done that!