Doctor Who, the immensely popular science fiction series from Britten, has now passed fifty years since its inception. Many board games now have Doctor Who editions, some in response to the fiftieth anniversary of Doctor Who. And these editions are especially designed for the great number of Doctor Who fans.
These board games can be the focal point of a game night, whether it is with family or friends. Or, when guests stay overnight as often happens for many people during the holidays, board games can help entertain them on at least one of those nights.
Since many of the games were released for the fiftieth anniversary, the twelfth Doctor Who is not always included.
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It exceeds fifty years and has had different Doctor Who characters.
I am slow in catching on to how popular Dr. Who is, but I am hearing the show mentioned more and more. We have hundreds (I think) of episodes on Netflix if I ever wanted to dive in and give the series a try. I love shows produced in Britain.