Dying for Daylight - Charlaine Harris

by tinacollins

Dying for Daylight is a PC HOG (hidden object game) that is rated 16 due to the violence it contains.

Dying for Daylight is a PC HOG (hidden object game) that is rated 16 due to the violence it contains.

It features gorgeous graphics and a solid story-line as you take the part of Dahlia, a female vampire with a cutting wit.

Your quest is to find the legendary sun potion which will enable vampires to walk as humans, in the hours of sunlight.

Dahlia, the Vampire

Watch out for her cutting wit

Dahlia is a vampire and she is the protagonist in this HOG. She is charming and has a wit to match. However, she is not to be messed with as she is very intelligent. She also has a love of fashion and you can experience her fashionable skills at several points in the game.

Occasionally, you will have a chance to use her unique vampire senses to reveal hidden smells and people who are hiding from her although I would have liked to have seen this option more throughout the game.

Atmospheric Graphics and Music

The graphics in any video game are a key component to ensure that the game is playable and interesting at the same time.

Graphics that let the game down will often cause the game to be abandoned before it's even been started. Also, it's important to make sure that all graphics and items in the game are correct for the period of time.

Finding a modern day fan in an eighteenth century game is not a good indicator of this! Luckily, Dying for Daylight is good for this. In fact, I would say that the graphics for this game is by far the best that I have seen since starting to play HOG's.

The music also creates atmosphere and it's easy for this to become repetitive and therefore annoying. Playing the game with the sound turned off is usually the only option for this. But, by doing this, you are missing out on many of the sound effects that will make the game and your experience complete.

Voice-overs can also be tedious especially if they are performed in squeaky female voices, are constantly saying the same thing every time you click on something wrong or just don't fit in with the game play.

Dying for Daylight is a game that you can compare these attributes with other HOG's and get a good idea of what is right and what is wrong.  

Dying for Daylight


Dying For Daylight On Multiple Platforms

Hidden Object Puzzles

The hidden object scenes are good quality and do test your skills and observational talents.

I've discovered a method of playing these HO scenes which may help you or may not. Please feel free to use it, although I've no doubt it is not unique.

A trick to help you out with these scenes is to scan the scene as thoroughly as you can. If you have to find more than one of a specific object such as 3 buttons, then look for these first.

Check over the list of objects you need to find and run your eyes back over the scene. By doing this, you may find the objects easier to find. Another way of doing this is to run your eye over the list first and then see if you can find the objects in the scene.

Some objects will be difficult to find and you may have to use the hint button. However, I think by using the method above you can go through these scenes quicker and easier. Let me know what you think!

Tips on how to Play Hidden Object Games

Common objects that you need to find are items with straight edges such as brooms, spades (shovels), boomerangs, etc.

These objects are often found on a straight edge item in the scene itself. So a broom could be lying along the edge of a table or a cupboard, a boomerang around the corner edge of a window.

Keep an eye out for these popular items:

Spade - this is usually known as a shovel in the UK but could also be the playing card symbol.

You may be required to find an item only to discover there are more than one of these objects in the scene itself. There is nothing you can do but guess what you think is the correct one.

Updated: 12/17/2024, tinacollins
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tinacollins on 06/09/2013

:D Perhaps it is! You can have more than one surely :P

JoHarrington on 06/09/2013

You have my attention now. Charlaine Harris is the author who wrote the Sookie Stackhouse novels, which True Blood is based upon. I'm currently reading the books.

And I'm a gamer. Which begs the point - is it suddenly my birthday? :D

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