eCommerce is here to stay. With the fast-paced development in the virtual space thanks to advanced programming and design technologies we are replicating land-based business online as well and with a much different but facilitating paradigm.
You need a website and if not you can purchase an online store on Shopify, eBay, or Amazon and start selling.
Old or young you are back in business. It is no longer a dream stuck midway due to the lack of investment or expertise privileges' of the established ones. Your wonderful paintings esoteric crafts and even pickles can be sold online with ease.
In an eCommerce suite, you are the master of your destiny create and run. But remember these online stores are not meant to be a source of passive income. You need to work hard and diligently in order to succeed besides investing some money. This is because you need the traffic to your store by promoting it. SEO and digital marketing lessons will enable you for this task or else hire a consultant. Learn as you earn. Keep creating...
Seo is comprehensive exercise to promote website on Google result pages on chosen keywords. A friendly URL is easy to remember and contains keywords to explain users the topic.
Thanks for comment I provide Seo Services and Contents hence the article.
Example: My Blog : https://learn-search-engine-optimizat...
pateluday, Thank you for the practical information and product line.
It's helpful to have all the essential information in one place here. It's much appreciated too that you particularly keep in mind helping those who seek to sell their own (or their sister's, in my case ;-D) creations and those either home- or small-scale manufactured.
One question though: It intrigues me that you recommend an SEO- and user-friendly URL. Would you be able to give me an example of such a URL?
Must try Thanks. I have not used Etsy till date.
Right. But you can sell your own creations or home or small scale manufactured products this way. The articles lays more stress on this..
I see you recommend Amazon. Have you tried using their fulfillment center? It allows your products to possibly qualify for Amazon Prime, a tremendous advantage if it does.
Is Etay available in your area? It works for vintage items and crafts.
The first thing needed is to identify a product group, then find a wholesaler who sells that type of products. But remember to register so you can purchase wholesale, you need a retail number. I found this is a necessary step even to buy for drop shipping, which can add an expense.