Envirocycle Composter Review

by Trixi

Is the Envirocycle composter suitable for you? Find out why I think it's the best composter around.

Looking for a tough, compact and easy to use composter that will last for years? Look no further. I was a complete beginner at composting when I chose the Envirocycle composter (based on some really positive user reviews on Amazon) but now I honestly wouldn’t recommend anything else.

If you (like me) have limited space but really want to make the most of it and start composting your waste then read on to see why I think the Envirocycle is the best available.

Using the Envirocycle Rotating Compost Bin

Day to day, the composter is pretty hassle free – the opening for waste is spacious and latches firmly into place to keep out pests that might be attracted to the food. It needs turning a couple of times a week and the base needs emptying every so often but apart from that there’s very little to worry about. The smell is minimal so no need to worry about upsetting the neighbours and there are no metal components that might get rusty or stiffen up over time.  

Of course, there are a couple of small issues to deal with (is anything perfect?!). The latch, which fastens firmly, can be a little too firm when you’re in a hurry – struggling to open it in the cold and rain is no fun! Apart from this I’ve been happy with the Envirocycle compost tumbler and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a similar product.

Making Compost Tea

One of my favourite features of the Envirocycle composter is the 'compost tea' which is collected as the compost 'ripens' in the bottom of the unit. The liquid is rich in nutrients - compost tea is used by many gardeners to replace fertalizers and pesticides - and I use it for watering my potted plants and around the garden.

Envirocycle: the Perfect Backyard Composter?

The composter can be ordered at Amazon with free shipping (see links above). Out of the box it’s ready to use, no fiddly small parts to fit together, and really easy to set up. The compact size is deceptive, at it actually holds a good amount of compost and becomes quite heavy when full (though I was still able to move it by rolling it off the base when it was more than half full, which was handy when I was having a re-arrange of the garden!). For a family then it could be worth considering two composters - one can be in use while the other is sitting and ‘cooking’ – but for normal use for a couple then this one has been fine.

Updated: 03/28/2012, Trixi
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