Expo 67-Montreal Quebec Canada

by VincentMoore

This world fair called Expo 67 was a fair that everyone was waiting for in my home town of Montreal, Quebec Canada.

I remember very clearly the excitement and buzz created by our mayor at the time. He talked about the coming of this world fair so often in his speeches and so many politicians from all over the world were visiting and excited to be invited to watch it being built. Along with the building of Expo 67 Montreal was also constructing on of the most modern underground transit system of it's time, called Le Metro. I remember it well and one could get to where you were going so quickly and come up from underneath to various major shopping centers throughout the city of Montreal. It was a very exciting time for me growing up in Montreal, one I cherish to this very day.

Montreal Metro Fast and Efficient.

I have many memories and late nights.
Metro Berri UQAM
Metro Berri UQAM

Expo 67


I can remember the excitement building up to the opening day at Expo67. At the time I was working
for a steamship line, Montreal Shipping Company, as an assistant on the Mediterranean Line. The
buzz was in the air and the hype and adrenalin rushing through my body. I was so excited when I
walked up to one of the many ticket selling booths after work to purchase my Expo entrance pass.
The journey this was going to take me on was amazing. I was 19 years old at the time and that meant legal enough to buy a cold beer on those hot summer weekends. Most every night after work I would meet a friend and together we would take the Metro underground train to the entrance at Expo. We'd show our passports at the gate and in we would go.

There was so much to see. Our eyes were like saucers wide open and ready for all the sights that
lay before us. There were so many different pavilions from so many countries. We had to stand in
long lines most of the time to get in but it was so worth it. I couldn't believe my eyes at times. So
many new experiences unfolded before us. There were people from all over the world here visiting Montreal for Expo 67. The retailers and restaurants were making a killing from all this traffic in downtown Montreal. Over at Expo, you would rub shoulders with so many different people from around the world. It was one happy family, all so glad to share their stories from the countries they had come from. There were no fears of terrorist bombings or mayhem strikes like you find in today's society. Everyone was eager to share their knowledge. Montreal citizens were united - French and English together.

Expo 67 brought all people together as one from all over the globe. A wonderful experience to witness and be part of. When the sun went down and the darkness appeared with the stars hanging in the sky and a full moon to keep them company, the party began down below. The bars were hopping and the liquid was flowing along with the scents and flavors from the many different nations. My taste buds were screaming to enjoy the many dishes that were offered up. The cuisine was varied and included every type of meat, vegetable and sweets. There wasn't a flavor missing and the serving of these exotic foods was done by well-trained and motivated servers. I spoke to one gal working at the American pavilion and she told me the tips were plenty and she was making fantastic wages on top of her tips. It was a win-win situation for everyone.

I especially loved riding the mono rail to visit the pavilions. It would take you to the front and
sometimes through the display. It was all part of your passport, so one could ride it many times. My
summer that year was taken up with Expo and my friends who enjoyed it with me. It is an event that
will never leave my memory, a summer this Point boy will never forget.

© Copyright by Vincent Moore  2012. All rights reserved

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In Absinthia (Phoenix Rising)

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More poetry by Vincent Moore


Updated: 09/11/2012, VincentMoore
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VincentMoore on 06/20/2012

Howdy redelf and yes indeed so nice to find you to. Expo67 was a highlight for me in Montreal, I enjoyed it and went as often as I could to fill my pavillon passport up. There were so many countries with Pav's there and it took a good week or two to get through them all. The lineups were long:-) However I managed to see it all, eat foods from most countries and meet new friends.

redelf on 06/19/2012

So nice to find you here! I remember the buzz and hype of Expo '67 - was too young to go on my own, and we lived on the West Coast then. You are so lucky to have been able to see it all!

VincentMoore on 06/17/2012

Susan and Epi my dear friends. I was fortunate to have met my Mentor at 15 so he made sure I had a passport for Expo. I went there every other evening after work and on the weekends. I took in every pavilion and pub, had a blast and it has stayed in my memory ever since. Colin I am so happy to hear of your male bonding with your beloved dad, I know how much you miss him and being father's day today, you miss him even more. Hugs to you my friend, stay strong. Yes Susan it would be nice if you could revisit Montreal, your roots. I am happy to have read that you now know that Leonard Cohen is a fellow Montrealer to. LOL

SusanZutautas on 04/08/2012

So many great memories of Expo 67. I wish I didn't live so far from Montreal as I do miss it. The last time I was home was in 2006.

VincentMoore on 03/17/2012

Yes it was a great time in my life, Expo did so much good for our city. It brought so many people together at a time when the city was having a tough time with English and French riots. I love my city and frequent it from time to time.

Mladen on 03/14/2012

Oh, nothing like the old times! ;)
Great story on Montreal Expo 67. I fell in love with Montreal already reading that article on Montreal Smoked Meat-Deli Sandwich, and now I see I have to visit it one day. And OMG, you have Le Metro? :)

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