The best way to get a flawless tan is with a sunless product. Fake Bake is winning the adoration tan goddess with its fast and flawless look. Touch ups are no longer a problem with the professional mit provided in the fake bake kit, It touches up without creating a layered line. Fake Bake Flawless Self-Tan Liquid brings the ease of a professional spray tan all the while beating spray tans because the application is simple and done in the comfort of home offering an intense professional color closely matching the suns natural glow at a fraction of the cost saving you time and money.

Fake Bake Flawless Self-Tanner
by katiem2
Fake Bake sunless tanner is the hot trend in tanning with its professional color that looks flawless. It comes with the pro mitt for perfect even tan.
How Fake Bake Works
How fake bake flawless self tanner works is by using quality ingredients and the best application method possible.
This Flawless self-tanner is applied using a professional mitt gliding on effortlessly with simple strokes for a perfect and even tan. When you buy fake bake the mitt is included. You also get the dual function cosmetic bronzer which makes the application process even easier as it shows where the product goes. It also provides an instant golden tan with the helpful guide preventing you from overlapping the product or applying it to heavy in porous areas, both the leading cause of self-tanning mistakes.
Quick Drying Self-Tanner
Fake Bake is a fast drying self tanner that does not transfer onto your clothes allowing you to get dressed after dried without the worry of ruining your clothes.
The product dries fast and does not transfer to your clothes so you don’t have to walk around without anything on afraid to allow anything to touch. This product is suitable for all skin types and offers a dark variation of fake bake. You will see the options on Amazon once you follow the product image to the product information.
What Fake Bake Smells Like
Most self tanners start to smell strange after applications and in fact many are down right offensive.
Fake Bake has a pleasant tropical fragrance with no artificial preservatives of parabens. The natural ingredients help to maintain the pleasant smelling aroma that does not turn into a foul smell you later regret.
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Share your tips and secrets for self tanners
DerdriuMarriner, I am fair myself, I use a sunless tanner, my homemade organic self tanner found here -
katiem2, I don't go in for tanning because of my tendencies to burn and freckle. But I nevertheless like to see what's out there. Needless to say, I spend a lot of time in the water and under umbrellas at the beach.
Pinkchic, Me too I've used so many that smell good when you first apply it only to smell really bad later.
I use this fake bake with the mitt and I like it alot! I actually like the smell too :)
My Pleasure, fake bake is the latest most popular self tanning product
“The fastest healthiest way to get a flawless tan is with a good sunless tanning product.” – That is right, especially tanning lotions. The Fake Bake seems very effective. Thanks for sharing the post.
I love fake bake it's great.