Favorite Christmas Movies

by pkmcr

It's Christmas and the Family are all gathered which means that it's time to sit back and relax with some of the best and favorite Christmas Movies.

You are enjoying Christmas with the family and it's time to sit back and relax with some of the best and favorite Christmas Movies.

The family have enjoyed the delights of Christmas Dinner and now it's time to gather them all together and settle down with some great entertainment in the form of Favorite Christmas Movies.

There are lots of Christmas Movies which are suitable for all members of the family to watch after Christmas Dinner has been enjoyed and all the presents have been opened.

Let's take a look at three firm family favorite and family friendly films that you can buy in time for Christmas.

Favorite Christmas Movie - A Christmas Carol

The Muppet Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol is the classic Christmas novel written by Charles Dickens. Over the years there have been various film versions of this heartwarming story created.

Some go by the classic name of A Christmas Carol while others have used the name of the central character of the film Scrooge as their name for the movie.

You may want to choose the original black and white movie which was  created back in 1938.  But for the whole family you may want to choose the musical movie that was made starring the Muppets!

Called The Muppet Christmas Carol.  This film featured Michael Caine as Ebenezer Scrooge with Kermit the Frog playing the down trodden Bob Cratchit. 

Buy The Muppet Christmas Carol

The Muppet Christmas Carol
Only $29.99

Favorite Christmas Movie - How The Grinch Stole Christmas

Starring Jim Carey a Perfect Family Christmas Film

If you are looking for a more modern family movie for Christmas then how about the film based on the wonderful children’s book called How The Grinch Stole Christmas

Dr Suess wrote the book back in 1957 and the movie adaptation from 2000 features the well known comedy actor Jim Carey. 

Set in the small fictional town of Whoville the movie tells the story of a green coloured figure tries to ruin everyone’s Christmas by stealing all the Christmas presents. 

All comes good in the end and everyone in the movie becomes friends.  It's a really lovely film to share with children, especially if you have already introduced them to the illustrated Dr Suess books.

Buy How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

Dr. Suess' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Full Screen)
$7.9  $3.41

Favorite Christmas Movie - It’s a Wonderful Life

The Classic Feel Good Film for Christmas

Can I let you into a secret?  We watch this film every year and yes I still cry at it!

The black and white movie classic It’s a Wonderful Life is one that everyone should own.  Made in 1947 and starring James Stewart it's an amazing feel good movie which captures the true spirit of Christmas and the importance of family and friends.

The movie tells the story of a man who wants to commit suicide because he hasn't had the life he wanted.  He comes to believe that he is worth more dead than alive because then his family can claim on his insurance.

However Clarence his rather disorganised Guardian Angel, shows him all the bad things that would have happened if he hadn't lived.  It might sound a little miserable for Christmas but let me assure you by the end of the film you will have a tear in your eye and want to hug your loved ones and friends!

Buy It’s a Wonderful Life

Old Christmas Movies Are Often The Best
It's A Wonderful Life (Black & White Version)
Only $9.99

Which Of My Three Favorite Family Christmas Films Is Your Favorite?

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Looking to Buy These Amazing Christmas Movies in The UK?

Click on Each Of The Links Below To Discover More

The Grinch
Jim Carrey is up to all his old tricks (and some nifty new ones) in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, a live-action film of Dr Seuss's holiday classic.

The Muppet Christmas Carol
Brian Henson directs his late father's creations in the Charles Dickens classic, the best known (and most oft-filmed) Christmas story of all time. Michael Caine plays the old miser Scrooge with Kermit as his long-suffering but ever-hopeful employee Bob Cratchit, Miss Piggy as Cratchit's wife, and a host of Muppets

It’s a Wonderful Life
Frustrated by his life, and haunted by an impending scandal, George prepares to commit suicide on Christmas Eve. A heavenly messenger (Henry Travers) arrives to show him a vision: what the world would have been like if George had never been born. The sequence is a vivid depiction of the American Dream gone bad, and probably the wildest thing Capra ever shot.

Updated: 06/21/2014, pkmcr
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Do You Have a Favorite Family Christmas Movie?

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emmalarkins on 11/09/2011

Love Actually all the way! I must have seen it at least 10 times, but it just keeps getting better and better!

thepurpleturtle on 11/07/2011

Watching The Muppet Christmas Carol is like a family tradition in my house. However, would like the DVD version more if Disney did not cut out the part where Scrooge's girlfriend has a singing solo and causes him to cry. I think that it displayed an important message about feeling bad when you do something wrong. I wonder why they cut it out? It is still a great movie anyway.

tokyonights7 on 11/05/2011

I am the female version of Peter Pan in that my favourite movies are still The Muppet Christmas Carol and Christmas Eve on Sesame Street. By the way, thanks for introducing me to Wizzley! Heather

SquidRich on 11/04/2011

Dare I say that I avoid Christmas movies like the plague? The only one that I usually watch is one called The Ref :)

poddys on 11/04/2011

I love The Santa Clause and Santa Clause The Movie, as well as A Christmas Story.

annieangel on 11/04/2011

I love Christmas movies and would be hard pushed to pick a favourite, I like different ones for different reasons.

Bhavesh on 11/03/2011

Nice collection! One that immediately comes to mind is Sound of Music which is not a Christmas movie really, but always nice to watch around the holiday time.

samsons1 on 11/03/2011

Wonderful idea, there are many others also...

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