Film Review of Honeymoon: Shirley Temple in 1947 Comedy

by DerdriuMarriner

What do diving accidents do to characters played by Guy Madison, Shirley Temple, and Franchot Tone in the 1947 film version of "Honeymoon"?

It can be easy for an officer to recognize love when he bumps into a teenager in a pool.

It may be less easy to get married in romantic Mexico.

Will a teen crush on a handsome diplomat ruin all hope of getting married within 48 hours in “Honeymoon”?

In real-life, Shirley Temple had been married for almost 20 months when "Honeymoon" was released in mid-May 1947.

Shirley Temple and Guy Madison in "Honeymoon"

A pool briefly confuses Mexican wedding plans for Barbara Olmstead (Shirley Temple) and Corporal Phil Vaughn (Guy Madison).
A pool briefly confuses Mexican wedding plans for Barbara Olmstead (Shirley Temple) and Corporal Phil Vaughn (Guy Madison).


Diving accidents can break and reunite lovers in Honeymoon by writer Michael Kanin; story ideator Hedwig “Vicki” Baum; producer Warren Duff; and director William Keighley. Edward Cronjager, Ralph Dawson, and Leigh Harline handle cinematography, editing, and music. Filming showcases California.

The comedy lasts 74 minutes. Its distributor was RKO Radio Pictures. Its USA-release date was May 17, 1947.

The movie begins with teenager Barbara Olmstead (Shirley Temple) flying from the U.S. Midwest to Mexico City. Fiancé/Corporal Phil Vaughn (Guy Madison) does not meet her at the train station. Vice consul David Flanner (Franchot Tone) indicates that Phil’s flight from Panama is delayed until the following day.

A military plane drops Phil off shortly after Barbara’s flight arrives. He goes to Consul Prescott’s (Gene Lockhart) offices. The clock ticks since Phil is on 48-hour leave.

Barbara cannot find accommodations. David deplores interruptions. He enjoys a rare evening off at fiancée Raquel Mendoza’s (Lina Romay) harp recital. Barbara faints from hunger and stress.

David dines with Barbara. They dance the jitterbug. The news upsets Raquel’s parents, Don Gaspar (Julio Villarreal) and la Señora (Corinna Mura).


In "Honeymoon," Barbara Olmstead (Shirley Temple) enjoys passage on a trajinera:

Trajineras, gondola-like boats for ferrying tourists on Lake Xochimilco, decorated formerly with flowers and juniper branches, nowadays generally painted with floral designs.
"Mexico City Boats in Xochimilco"
"Mexico City Boats in Xochimilco"


All hotels are booked. Barbara considers visiting the Federal District’s 16 boroughs. David does not remember his dinner date with Racquel. Barbara enjoys:

  • Sightseeing Xochimilco’s artificial islands (chinampas) and canals from a boatman’s (Salvador Baguez) gondola (trajinera);
  • Singing “I Love Geraniums” and “Ven aquí” (“Come Here!”) with a singer (Mario Santos).

Barbara leaves after David:

  • Falls out of the boat;
  • Gets clothes from a serape shop owner (Rodolfo Hoyos);
  • Hides from Raquel’s friends.

Phil anticipates Barbara’s visit to the planned location of their wedding night. He observes David running after Barbara. He punches him. He and Barbara stay in David’s hotel room.

Barbara and Phil cannot marry without:

  • Health certificates: They attend a conference of Mexico City’s non-English-speaking doctors. Barbara persuades Dr. Diego (José Goula) to sign.
  • Four observers: They buy witnesses (Eumenio Blanco, Tony Roux, Roque Ybarra).
  • Parental consent: Judge Riberol (Charles Trowbridge) deplores Barbara’s fudged age on tourist cards.

They crash Raquel’s garden party. David entertains diplomats (Fred Godoy, Ralph Navarro, Ramon Muñoz) and politicians (Harry Denny, Franklin Farnum, Grant Mitchell, Forbes Murray, John Parrish). Phil hides in a tree. Barbara lambasts David’s procrastination. She passes out after:

  • Diving into Raquel’s pool;
  • Slamming into David.

Barbara awakens smitten with David. She refuses to marry Phil. David tries to spank sense into Barbara

The movie ends with Phil:

  • Beating David for making Barbara cry;
  • Bumping into Barbara in the pool;
  • Finding Barbara uninfatuated with David;
  • Marrying Barbara.


Honeymoon 1947 (Preview Clip)

Published on YouTube on Jan 29, 2015, by warnerarchive URL:



My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.


Image Credits


A pool briefly confuses Mexican wedding plans for Barbara Olmstead (Shirley Temple) and Corporal Phil Vaughn (Guy Madison).
Channing Thomson @CHANNINGPOSTERS, via Twitter Oct. 12, 2014

"Mexico City Boats in Xochimilco": Lidia Lopez, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons @

Warner Archive. "Preview Clip / Honeymoon / Warner Archive." YouTube, Jan. 29, 2015, @


the end which is also the beginning
the end which is also the beginning

DVD: Honeymoon ~ Available via Amazon


"Honeymoon" movie poster ~ Available via Amazon

reproduction poster print

Shirley Temple Black's autobiography ~ Available via Amazon

Child Star: An Autobiography

Shirley Temple at Piano with Sgt. John Agar ~ Available via AllPosters

Shirley Temple's own real life honeymoon preceded by 20 months the release of "Honeymoon."
Actress Shirley Temple, Sitting at the Piano with Sgt. John Agar

Me and my purrfectly purrfect Maine coon kittycat, Augusta "Gusty" Sunshine

Gusty and I thank you for reading this article and hope that our product selection interests you; Gusty Gus receives favorite treats from my commissions.
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
Updated: 02/03/2025, DerdriuMarriner
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DerdriuMarriner on 10/15/2024

Perhaps one problem with Shirley Temple establishing herself as a teen and a teen-plus actress ensued from her hairstyle.

Her childhood roles featured that adorable, curly, mophead hair.

Mightn't that have made an equally adorable teen hairstyle?

DerdriuMarriner on 08/04/2014

AmyLeigh, Best wishes in locating "Honeymoon." It's for your mother, and so I have every hope that you will be successful. And best wishes for your mother's chemo: Shirley Temple is a happy remedy.

AmyLeigh on 08/02/2014

Thank you dear! I will try one and all suggestions you've haste! :)

DerdriuMarriner on 08/02/2014

AmyLeigh, It's understandable that "Honeymoon" would be on a playlist because it's a happy, hilarious film in which Shirley Temple sparkles. It's a mystery that it's so under-appreciated and difficult to locate.

Apparently the YouTube version which I included has been pulled, as so many of Shirley's films have been pulled for alleged copyright violations since her death this year. Only a Spanish-language release is currently available via Amazon or eBay.

One suggestion would be to place a post on Craigslist.

But a DVD of "Honeymoon," (English-language original) is up for bid, from August 1st to August 29th, in an online auction via WeBidz.

Are none of the bookstores in your area able to order this film for you?

I hope that you are able to locate a copy quickly.

AmyLeigh on 08/02/2014

I am desperately seeking to view Honeymoon (1947). My mom is having chemo soon and requested this film on the playlist for her extended treatments. Help please!

DerdriuMarriner on 02/18/2014

Mira, Yes, Hugh Grant dancing around his office as prime minister in "Love, Actually" offers an enjoyable interlude and proves that a dancing scene inserted into a movie does not necessitate a dance floor. So many emotions may be expressed through dance. By the way, I am in the dark about two HG movies this year -- a quick internet search turned up nothing.
I'd like to see him play some kind of bumblingly brilliant detective.
Many classics came out of the 1940s. I'm glad that you're enjoying your visits to Shirley's films as a young adult. She was one of a kind.

Mira on 02/18/2014

You always hear people say that in the "old" times, actors had so many skills. It seems to be true. There should be more dancing in movies nowadays, too. Not necessarily on a dance floor. Hugh Grant moves around the house could do as well. I'm excited to see he'll be in two movies this year :)
And yes, thank you for these 1940s movies. I intend to watch many more of them in the weeks to come.

DerdriuMarriner on 02/16/2014

Mira, It's such a treat to watch "Honeymoon," isn't it? I'm glad that you watched via my link. As much as possible, I like to support old movies being available by watching them on the Internet.
I especially enjoy the rare scenes with Shirley Temple dancing in her later movies because she was so talented as a child actress/dancer/singer, and her professionalism stayed with her throughout her career and, for that matter, her life.

Mira on 02/13/2014

I think this is a nice movie. I so enjoyed its feminism avant la lettre (well, second-wave feminism), with Barbara and her jujitsu, her two-piece bathing suit, her jitterbug, and all her impetuosity. I also found the comedy quite entertaining. Thank you for writing about this and linking to the video. I had completely forgotten that so many great movies from the 1940s are now in the public domain.

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