Synopsis: When HIVE makes an attempt on Capt. Lance's (Paul Blackthorne) life, he decides to break things off with Donna (Charlotte Ross) in an effort to protect her. Team Arrow faces off with an elite group of demolitions experts with plans to collapse a building and kill Oliver (Stephen Amell) during the mayoral debate.

Final Thoughts From the Arrow Episode "Code of Silence"
by StevenHelmer
Final thoughts from the season 4 television episode that first aired February 17, 2016.
How Much Does Malcolm Plan to Reveal?
Malcolm (John Barrowman) has obviously given his allegiance to Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) following his incident with Oliver in last week's episode. And, we know he revealed Oliver had a son (Jack Moore). But, is he keeping the part about Oliver being the Green Arrow a secret?
My guess is he's doing just that because of Thea (Willa Holland). But, Darhk has to know Malcolm knows who the Green Arrow is so I wonder if it's only a matter of time before Malcolm either volunteers that information or is forced to reveal it.
Speaking of Malcolm
Every time I see him with that severed hand, I can't help but wonder what cool thing he is going to do to it. Is he going to attach a deadly weapon? Or, is he going to have a series of attachments ranging from an artificial hand to a gun? I just know something like that is going to happen (or I'm going to be very disappointed when it doesn't).
I'm Still Not Clear on Darhk's Plans
I have to agree with some of his fellow HIVE compatriots when they questioned the purpose of having Nora (Tuesday Hoffman) run against Oliver for mayor. Given their desire to destroy Star City, it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to waste their time on a campaign she obviously can't win.
Granted, I think he ultimately wants to either kill Oliver or force him to withdraw his candidacy. But, why not do that first then have her run unopposed? Or, force him out and just leave the city in a state of anarchy?
I Wonder When Curtis is Going to Become an Official Team Arrow Member
Curtis (Echo Kellum) already is in on their secret and has done more than his fair share helping them so I think it's only a matter of time, especially since he is starting to show his full potential. I'm still waiting to see if his new implant will really help Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) walk again (and I'm sure it will) but, even if it doesn't, he definitely has shown an intelligence that should be capitalized on.
Is it Safe to Assume William's Mom is Dead?
That is, of course, the first thought I had when Dahrk showed up with William and mentioned William's mom asked him to watch him for a while. I'm assuming Samantha (Anna Hopkins) doesn't actually know Dahrk well enough to leave her kid with him willingly.
If she is dead, this does create an interesting situation for Oliver and Felicity. I'm sure she's going to be upset about him lying to her about William. But, with Oliver being his only living parent, I also suspect this will ultimately result in them taking custody of him.
Final Opinion
Overall, I thought this was a good episode, especially with the dangerous team they were facing. It'll be interesting to see what happens when Oliver learns Darhk has his son and the impact it has on his relationship with Felicity.
My Grade: A
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