Final Thoughts From the Supernatural Episode "Baby"

by StevenHelmer

Thoughts from the season 11 episode that first aired October 28, 2015.

Synopsis: Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) investigate the death of a sheriff and discover they are up against a group of Nachzehrer, a vampire/ghoul monster hybrid, that are preparing for the Darkness. The episode is filmed entirely from the perspective of sitting inside the brothers' Chevy Impala.

I Had My Doubts, But....

I have to admit, I liked the decision to film this entirely from the point of view of the Impala. At first, I was afraid it would end up being a bit too gimmicky and, because of that, wouldn't be as entertaining.

However, the various camera angles, along with some of the other scenes (such as those two girls taking the car for a joy ride) we might not otherwise have seen made the episode worth watching. When combined with the fact the overall plot was decent, this was a pretty solid episode overall.

God Was in the Details

On the surface, the phrase "God helps those who help themselves" really didn't mean a whole lot, other than to create a topic of conversation for the Winchesters. However, there were some subtle clues in this episode that were definitely pointing that direction.

This included the pin left behind by Sam's one-night fling in the back seat and, of course, the pennies in the forgotten purse. And, it could easily be argued that, while God wasn't helping them directly, he sure did seem to be leaving the tools they (meaning, mostly, Dean) needed. I suspect that will come into play later in this season.

On That Subject...

A thought occurred to me last night while watching this episode. What if God has taken the form of their '67 Impala?

OK, I know that seems a bit much. But, the car has, on more than one occasion, been either directly or indirectly involved in saving the world. Plus, it did protect Sam from the Darkness when it was first released. I find it a bit hard to believe an ordinary car would be able to keep all that black smoke out.

In fact, it could also explain how that car can take so much punishment (and, there was a lot of it in this episode) yet still run. Perhaps, when Dean re-built the car following his father's death, he was doing so in a way similar to Noah building his ark.

If nothing else, it's something to think about.

Glad to See (Well, Actually, Hear) the Old Castiel is Back

Castiel (Misha Collins) was only heard (over the phone) and not seen in this episode. But, based on the limited exposure we had to that character, it is obvious he is returning to his old self.

In particular, the way he became obsessed with watching Netflix was very similar to his internet porn obsession in earlier episodes. I expect (hope) to see that become a topic of discussion in future episodes much like his first obsession.

Will the Winchesters Team Up With Monsters?

I found myself asking this question after learning the Nachzehrer were trying to form their own army. If the monsters are as scared of the Darkness as the Winchesters are, then maybe the solution is teaming up. 

Of course, if this were to be the case, I'm really not sure what to expect from it. It could be entertaining. Or, it could just be very awkward since I'm sure Sam and Dean will eventually go back to hunting those creatures. I guess it would depend, a lot, on how the writers pulled it off if they decided to go that route.

Final Opinion

As I mentioned, I had some doubts about this episode. But, overall, I thought it was very entertaining. It was a unique story told from a fantastic perspective and also managed to set up future episodes. I was definitely glad I took the time to watch it.

My Grade: A

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Updated: 10/29/2015, StevenHelmer
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