Synopsis: Dean (Jensen Ackles) convinces Sam (Jared Padalecki) to investigate a mysterious death at a nearby retirement home. As they conduct their investigation, they quickly learn the residents are being hunted by a banshee. Fortunately for them, they have a little help from another Men of Letters descendant (Shoshannah Stern).

Final Thoughts from the Supernatural Episode "Into the Mystic"
by StevenHelmer
Thoughts from the season 11 television episode that first aired January 28, 2016.
Back to the Basics
One of the things that originally got me hooked on this show when I first discovered reruns on Netflix was the fact Sam and Dean got to face a new supernatural creature every week. The series has gotten away from that recently so it is a nice treat to see them actually return to their roots a bit.
And, in this particular case, the monster was actually pretty fun to watch. The banshee (Atlin Mitchell) was kind of scary and, even though she ended up being a little too easy to kill, I did like the fact the creature at least temporarily gained the upper hand.
New Season, New Hunter
It took me a few moments to figure out who, exactly, Eileen (Stern) was. And, when the episode elaborated and explained she was a hunter/Men of Letters legacy, I was definitely intrigued. I especially liked the idea of a deaf hunter just because it gives her some much-needed uniqueness.
My only real concern about her is this show has a history of killing off strong female characters. Sadly, I suspect that is going to wind up being the case this time around too, which will be very disappointing in my opinion.
I Wasn't Surprised the Banshee Attacked One of the Winchesters
However, I was a little surprised it ended up being Dean. I figured, with everything Sam went through with Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino), he would be the one who was damaged to the point the banshee would go after him.
The episode didn't really elaborate on why Dean was the one who was attacked. My guess is he is essentially missing something now that the Mark of Cain has been removed and the banshee interpreted that as him being vulnerable.
I Think the Question I had About Castiel Was Answered
When Lucifer first possessed Castiel (Misha Collins), I wasn't sure if he took over Castiel himself or just his host body. However, the fact he was able to find the bunker is a strong indication it was the former since he's obviously able to share Castiel's memories.
Of course, I'm still a little puzzled why that doesn't fool other angels.The one Lucifer encountered early on in the episode (Anthony Shim) knew it was him. But, if he's possessing Castiel's angel form as well as his host body, then wouldn't they still see Castiel?
Final Opinion
Overall, I found I enjoyed this episode. It was good seeing Sam and Dean fighting something other than Amara (Emily Swallow) and I can only hope the series will start showing more episodes like this one.
My Grade: A
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