Synopsis: In the aftermath of a failed supply run that left two dead and one severely injured, Deanna (Tovah Feldshuh) begins to second guess her decision to allow Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and his group into Alexandria. Meanwhile, Rick decides to confront Jessie (Alexandra Breckenridge) about Pete's (Corey Brill) spousal abuse.
Final Thoughts From the Walking Dead Episode "Try"
by StevenHelmer
Thoughts from the season 5 television episode that first aired March 22, 2015.
My Thoughts
1. Ever since Rick had his mental breakdown after his wife's death, I've had questions about his stability. This episode definitely answered those questions and I think it will ultimately cause his power play to fail miserably.
2. It's not that he's necessarily wrong. The people in Alexandria are clueless and aren't strong enough to defend their town against a real threat (which, judging by the number of clues they keep finding outside the walls, is likely going to happen soon). His timing, however, was terrible and his mind is obviously clouded by his feelings for Jessie.
3. In fact, even though it looks like Michonne (Danai Gurira) betrayed him, I think she actually saved him. None of his people were prepared for him to make the impromptu move against Deanna and, even though Pete obviously has his flaws, with Tara (Alanna Masterson) severely hurt, they do need him.
4. One person to keep an eye on in all of this is Carol (Melissa McBride). We know what she is capable of and so is Rick. But, she seems to know which of his buttons to push (especially when it comes to Jessie) and I can't help but feel she's manipulating him.
5. On the subject of Rick, am I the only one who thinks he's going soft? Pete has been hiding behind the wall living a relatively cushy life since the start of the zombie apocalypse. Yet, he held his own pretty well against Rick, who has been out in the new world and has police training. I find it hard to believe he became an equally-good fighter just from beating his wife.
6. Maybe Rick needs to take lessons from Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green). She's obviously not totally stable and shows signs of PTSD. But, she's at least trying to cope with it in a relatively healthy manner (at least given the circumstances) by taking her rage out on walkers rather than keeping it pent up and letting it cloud her head too much.
7. Just to end this on a positive note of sorts, Carl (Chandler Riggs) seems to be getting awfully chummy with Enid (Katelyn Nacon). And, now that we know she isn't sneaking out of Alexandria to do something bad (she just needs to be out in the woods because that is what she's used to), I suspect some potential teenager romance. Of course, she also seems like a character the writers added just to kill at some point so we'll have to see how long that lasts.
Final Opinion
I have thought, for some time now, Rick's leadership skills are lacking and the rest of his group were making a mistake listening to him. After his outburst, I think that is going to come back to haunt them. At minimum, I suspect some members of his group will be asked to leave Alexandria while others are given the option to remain, forcing some very tough decisions.
My Grade: A
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This season of TWD is interesting. Carol is becoming one of my favorite characters. I think you are right that she is manipulating Rick. Maybe it's, in some way, pay back for him kicking her out of the prison. Or maybe she simply knows he is not up to the task of being their leader these days.
I wasn't impressed with the fight scene between Rick and Pete. Rick should have been able to easily handle the guy. They mainly rolled around grabbing each others necks. And the way everyone gathered round and just watched was odd. None of the men tried to step in and stop it. Deanna yelled at them, and only Jesse and Carl made any attempt.