Decorative Floral Wall Clocks: The Best Way to Send Flowers

by AbbyFitz

Flowers can be an expensive, fleeting gift. At best, they'll only last one to two weeks. A flower shaped clock is a unique gift that can be enjoyed for years to come.

We connect with flowers on so many different levels. They're a balm when we're sick or sad, they're a soother of hurt feelings when tempers flare between lovers. We use them to say thank you, happy birthday, congratulations, and so much more.

Gardeners plant them in their yards to bring color to an otherwise boring green landscape. Some gardeners collect exotic and rare flowers like some people collect stamps. It's an enjoyable hobby with a visual reward.

However, as with most things in life, the youthful bloom soon loses its color and withers away. Gardeners must replant and wait until next year to see their beautiful blooms again, and more bouquets must be bought for the next occasion.

However, there's a better way to enjoy flowers every day of the year. Flowery wall clocks can bring the best of a flower's beauty into your home.

Photography and Flowers: A Beautiful Combination

A flower's beauty is fleeting, which is why I love photographing them.

Pink and White WildflowerI love flowers, especially wildflowers. Maybe it's because I am so terrible at gardening. I quickly lose interest in caring for and nurturing flowers from seed to bloom. I'd rather be lazy and enjoy Nature's handiwork or the fruits of a dedicated gardener's careful attention.

Photography has always been a favorite hobby of mine, and it's no surprise my two loves eventually merged. If I am near a flower and I have a camera, I can't help but smile and snap away.


Real flowers eventually die, but a picture of a flower will last forever. I can look back over my photographs from years past and still enjoy a flower that has long since died.

These pretty wall clocks are the result of my passion for wildflowers and photography. Hopefully they'll bring a smile to your face, speak to you, and beg to be hung on your wall.

Large Square Flower Wall Clocks

An up close view of a flower's beauty.

These large square wall clocks really show off a flower's beauty. The sunny yellows and oranges would be perfect for a kitchen or laundry room.

I took these photos while I was vacationing in Missouri at our family's farm. When I'm there in the summer, I love to go on walks and snap pictures of the roadside wildflowers.

This yellow daffodil is one of my favorites. They always seem to grow in groups, which makes finding the perfect bulb to photograph easy.



Although it's not a native Missouri wildflower, this orange daylily is a flower I see nearly everywhere I go. It's not as social as the daffodils, so finding the perfect one can be a challenge.

Sometimes I get lucky and the lighting is perfect, the wind isn't blowing, and the daylily puts its best foot forward and I am able to take a great picture.

I think it's as beautiful as a clock as it was in real life.

Flower Bloom Clocks

The perfect gifts for wildflower lovers.

These flower blooms reincarnated as clocks are really unusual, but beautiful. I never thought of an open flower as the perfect clock face, but they really are.

This purple passionflower is also one I snapped in Missouri. I call it the Lady Gaga of flowers because there's a lot going on in such a tiny space. Not in a tacky kind of way, it's more like, "I'm beautiful and I'm owning it."

I think that's why it turned out to be such a stylish wall clock. It's unique, but not too over the top.

These other three bloom clocks are actually flowers commonly found here in Florida. The first two are roadside wildflowers, and the pink flower petal clock is an amaryllis I gave my mother for Mother's Day one year.

The red and yellow flower is an Indian Blanket, and its original home was on a sand dune at Marineland Beach. It was bright and sunny that day, which is why I think the picture turned out so vibrant.

The yellow flower is a Coreopsis I found in the median when I was on my way to the mall. I actually made my fiancé pull over just so I could take its picture!

I didn't notice at the time I photographed it that there was a little bug camping out on one of the petals. I like to call him Nature's little photo bomber.

The pink petal clock turned out to be one of my favorites. It was an imperfect picture, and it just didn't look right as a whole. I was about to scrap the whole thing until I noticed the pink striations on the petals. I zoomed in and I was in love. It just goes to show you if you look deep enough, you can find beauty in anything.

Alaskan Flower Clock

An impressionist painting of Alaskan flowers.

No matter where I go, I'll take pictures of flowers when I see them. Even on my vacation to Alaska, I was happily snapping away.

In Alaska, it seemed that flowers were everywhere. I think maybe it's because Alaskans see nothing but white for most of the year, and when spring comes they're ready for color.

The outside of my lodge was no different, and there were flowers planted everywhere on the hotel grounds. This half barrel of flowers particularly caught my eye because it was so large and colorful.

So if you're wanting to say I'm sorry, happy birthday, happy anniversary, or the like, a flowery wall clock beats a bouquet hands down. They can only look at a bouquet and think nice fuzzy thoughts of you for a week or two. They'll look at your clock everyday and think of you for years to come.

Updated: 01/07/2014, AbbyFitz
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AbbyFitz on 01/14/2014

Thank you writerartist!

WriterArtist on 01/14/2014

Flowers will never go out of fashion, I absolutely love these floral clocks.

AbbyFitz on 01/11/2014

Thank you. I guess I should start taking pictures of something more original, but they're so pretty!

VioletteRose on 01/11/2014

I love photographing flowers, the clocks look pretty

AbbyFitz on 01/11/2014

Thank you!

Mira on 01/11/2014

Pinned onto my Fun Gifts and Fun Gifts for Artists boards.

AbbyFitz on 01/09/2014

Thank you! I think they're unique.

AbbyFitz on 01/08/2014

Flowers mean so many things to different people. Thank you for reading!

AbbyFitz on 01/08/2014

Thank you ologsinquito!

AbbyFitz on 01/08/2014

I only found out zazzle did clocks by accident. They're pretty neat Mira.

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