I love the flute! My husband and daughter both play flute so I get to hear quite a lot of flute music. Of course some of it is rather less than melodious, but fortunately much of it is delightful. Although our cats absolutely hate it!
I've learned how much is needed to play flute well. It's not just a flute, or some music and a teacher. It's not even just hours of practice. There's lots of other things - flute accessories - that are needed to be successful. So if you're an aspiring flute player, here's what you need!
Do You Play the Flute? Which of these accessories do you have or recommend?
My cousin plays the flute beautifully, this looks like a great selection!
Thanks! Happy to be informative and fun!
Yes indeed!
This is a very useful article! That ring with supports and the lyre for marching were quite a surprise. It was a fun read.
It makes sense to care for an instrument.