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Can I get some feedback, please?

Positive Thinking or Realism: Which Side Are You On?

Posts: 10
on 11/07/2011

This is a topic I had been thinking about for a while, and finally decided to take a crack at it.

Positive Thinking or Realism: Which Side Are You On?

I am not sure if my tone comes off too strong or if the article is interesting or helpful to someone looking for opinions or information on positive thinking.

I'd very much appreciate some feedback.

on 11/07/2011

I really enjoyed this aricle, LR. These topics are my favorite. I left comments on your page.

As for feedback, I feel it is clear and well-defined...not rambling on, etc. An enjoyable read.

I might be mistaken, but I believe you meant to say the glass is "half-empty" in your first paragraph instead of "half-full?" The pessimistic folks see it as half empty, the optimists see it as half full. That was the only critique I had to share.

Overall, great job! Look forward to seeing more...

In 2009 we sold everything and hit the road! Follow us on our blog at Cheap RV Living
Posts: 3100
on 11/07/2011

Excellent page. "Editor's Choice"!  

That means it will be featured on the front page of Wizzley, for a while.

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
Posts: 10
on 11/07/2011

Thanks so much frugalrvers. I fixed the glass half-full mistake!

Posts: 10
on 11/07/2011

chefkeem, wow, thank you, that was certainly a pleasant surprise!

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