on 05/06/2012
Tomorrow is Chef Keem's birthday. I met him several years ago on Squidoo. I had been Squidooing for about 4 months and we stumbled through trying to figure out how writing lenses and writing online worked. The first lens of his I read was about Yodeling. I still laugh out loud whenever I remember that lens.
Kind and encouraging in every way, Chef Keem has brightened many people's lives with his witty articles. His lenses about cooking in Alaska with bears right outside the door remain vivid in my mind as well. How has Chef Keem helped you? Have you heard his full bodied laugh in his writing?
Now our beloved Chef has gone on to developing Wizzley. What an amazing man!
Today, I wanted to be the first to wish him a very, very Happy Birthday! Won't you join me?
on 05/06/2012
Happy Birthday Chef! I also remember that one of the first lenses I read at Squidoo was his Alaska cooking lens and it was an amazing read with beautiful photos as I recall.
Hope your birthday is excellent.
on 05/06/2012
Happy Birthday Chef! You are just a few months older than me. I'll be 29 in August.
Brenda Reeves
on 05/06/2012
Happy birthday Chef Keem!
I've only known you from Wizzley, but I remain grateful for all of the help and encouragement that you've afforded a noob like me. <3
Hope you have a wonderful day.
on 05/06/2012
Happy Birthday Chef.
I hope you have a wonderful time.
on 05/06/2012
Happy Happy! Eat lots of cake and enjoy every minute of your birthday!
on 05/06/2012
Have a great day, Achim :)
on 05/06/2012
Happy birthday, Chef! Thank you for all that you do and for all your support. But most importantly, thank you for being YOU!
on 05/06/2012
Weeeeell...thank you so much for the early HB-wishes, dear friends!
Time flies. While Evelyn and all other female wizzlers look as charming as ever, all the years of online work have definitely left their mark on my face. Just have a look below...
63 years ago...
Much love and gratitude for your fabulous company.
Achim (chefkeem)
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/06/2012
No, no, no, no, no! I can't live with this lie!
I'm so sorry.
I'd manipulated the baby picture. (No wonder it looks so cute.)
Please forgive me.
Here is the original, real image from my first year:
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/06/2012
on 05/06/2012
Happy Birthday, Chef!
on 05/06/2012
Happy Birthday Chef
Katie McMurray
on 05/06/2012
Happy Birthday, Chef! You are one cute cookie!
on 05/06/2012
Happy Birthday, Chef Keem! Enjoy your day!
on 05/06/2012
on 05/07/2012
on 05/07/2012
Wishing you a truly wonderful birthday my friend and many happy returns
on 05/07/2012
Here is a link to Chef Keem's Birthday page written for his 60th Birthday a couple of years ago. All proceeds go to his favorite charity. http://www.squidoo.com/chef-keem-birthday
on 05/07/2012
Happy birthday to you Achim! May your day be full of fun and many wishes fulfilled!