on 12/19/2013
To all my cold weather friends, could you please send some snow well wishes my way? I'd really like some snow for Christmas, or anytime this winter for that matter.
It's not impossible. I've had some dustings of snow before, just not in a very long time.
If you don't help me, the only frozen precipitation I'll be seeing this winter is this:

on 12/19/2013
Be very careful what you wish for Abby. Here in southern Ontario we've got at least a foot of snow on the ground and tonight the threat of a double-barrelled ice storm over a couple of days that likely take out the power for quite a while. Looks like we may have to settle for cheese and baloney sandwiches for Christmas dinner.
on 12/19/2013
A foot of snow? I know it wouldn't be, but it sounds like a great adventure to me. Except for maybe the bologna part LOL
on 12/20/2013
I've woken up to find the world coated in a thick layer of frost and ice. I'll scrape some off and put it in the post to you. :D
on 12/20/2013
How has the West Midlands got frost and ice and Glasgow has nothing? Haha! I would gladly send you some snow if we had any, but all that terrible weather that was predicted hasn't happened yet. Fingers crossed that we don't see anything until the weekend after Christmas once my parents and sister have made it north.
on 12/20/2013
on 12/20/2013
I also have over a foot of whiteness, but rain is coming (yukkk). Not enough to wash it all away for Christmas I hope, but I think we will miss the ice -
@Rupert - I've done the long power outage thing, and it's not fun at all - I hope you luck out and keep your electricity!
Abby, I spent many, many warm and balmy Christmases in Florida wishing for snow, so I can relate to you wanting it.
on 12/20/2013
So far - 11 a.m. Eastern Time - we've dodged the worst of it. Temperature just popped a degree above freezing so we've got rain, which is making a filthy mess of all the snow. The weather dudes are filled with dire warnings for tonight though.
on 12/20/2013
I'm glad you feel my pain dustyToes. At least it's supposed to be in the low 60s on Christmas Day. It will be kind of cool. I hate it when it's hot at Christmas.
on 12/20/2013
Y'all's weather is so much more exciting than mine
on 12/20/2013
AbbyFitz: 12/20/2013 - 11:28 AM
Y'all's weather is so much more exciting than mine
Unfortunately when your weather gets exciting it's really BAD! Some of the worst weather I've ever seen was during my years of Florida living.
on 12/20/2013
Yes I know. Luckily here in north Florida there hasn't been any hurricanes in a really long time. Maybe it's good my weather isnt exciting
on 12/20/2013
Given my current mood is somewhere north of Very Peeved I'm pleased to report that there is no snow here either. I don't need to be giving the rest of my remaining savings to the energy companies to heat this draughty hovel before Christmas...
It's cold but not unbearable, and I don't even have the heating on down here.
You can send me some prayers if you like, that'll do instead of wintery weather. We're supposed to have a storm next week for Christmas but all I want is a new contract.
Described by one of my clients as 'a literary grammarian', writing, researching and reading are requirements for sanity, at least this side of the keyboard.
on 12/20/2013
I'll send some of my warmth your way. It's. Supposed to be 80 this weekend. I hope that everything works out for you as far as your contract goes.
on 12/20/2013
Thanks Abby. I'll let you know....
Described by one of my clients as 'a literary grammarian', writing, researching and reading are requirements for sanity, at least this side of the keyboard.
on 12/20/2013
I think everyone's prayers for snow brought last week's storm to Jerusalem. The worst snow storm in 100 years. The city was closed for almost 2 days, nobody could get in or out and they even opened the train on the Sabbath (a big no-no here) so people trapped away from home could get there.
I am so glad there is no snow in Haifa and even if it will snow on the Carmel mountain part of the city, I will be safe down by the beach where I live. No chance of snow here.
on 12/20/2013
Wow, I didn't realized it snowed in Israel. I guess you'll be sunny along with me for Christmas.
on 12/22/2013
We even have skiing on Mount Hermon in the north! This year ski season started off great. Some years they have to add artificial snow cuz the snow there is usually pitiful in quantity and quality.