on 08/01/2013
Each month I carefully register in a spreadsheet everything that I've earned from my writing. It helps keep me motivated and also shows me precisely where the money is coming from.
I didn't hold out much hope for July. There's been a heatwave, and people are anyway less likely to be online than in the winter. They certainly aren't buying as much, as it's as far away from Christmas as you can be. Last year, July was my lowest earning month.
So I really didn't see this July coming! It's been my HIGHEST earning month this year! The majority of that came from Wizzley, and that from articles which I wrote in the first half of last year!
I know that people have repeatedly told me that it takes time for our work to begin to pay off, but I had to take that on trust. It's been a real leap of faith for me to keep on writing, when not much is happening in my bank. I've nearly stopped so many times.
Now I've seen for myself that what the veterans said was true. Time does wonders.
Thanks Wizzley!
on 08/01/2013
Thank YOU, Jo.
Community Involvement
... pay off in the long run.
Thank you, Jo. 
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 379
on 08/01/2013
Well done, Jo! And next July will even better :)
I have a few articles under my belt to publish here on Wizzley in the next few weeks. Sadly, time is my enemy, I'm all over the place at the moment.
on 08/01/2013
Thank you, Achim.
And Hollie, you certainly deserve some of the accolades here. You boosted my stamina dozens of times, when I was thinking of giving up. <3
on 08/01/2013
Your success at writing here is very encouraging to the rest of us.
Posts: 379
on 08/01/2013
Jo, thank you, and thank God you didn't, that would have been a tragic waste of a great author. On wards and upwards. Never give up:)
on 08/02/2013
Congrats, Jo, so pleased to hear about your July accomplishments. It's been the best month on Wizzley for me too and I'm surprised just like you because of the heatwave.
Here's to more success and to see our hard work paying off in the future.
on 08/02/2013
Congrats, Jo! You have worked SO hard, it was bound to pay off. And I really like your articles, so I'm glad you keep posting here :)
on 08/03/2013
That is encouraging news Jo. It's so nice to see hard work pay off, but it's not surprising you get readers as your writing is excellent.
Onward and upward!
on 08/03/2013
Thank you all! You've all done your bit with encouraging me, so it's good to repay the favour.
Pam, I've also had my biggest ever Zazzle sale in July. That's all time, not just 2013!
on 08/03/2013
That's excellent news Jo and add to that I have made several sales of your book over the last couple of weeks - you really are having an impact 
on 08/03/2013
This is all great news. It so important that you share this because, when you are just getting started on a platform, it's difficult not to see results right away, but it's encouraging when others who've worked so hard have gotten their much deserved rewards.
My own module clicks are really picking up right now, so I have high hopes.
on 08/03/2013
Really pleased to hear that one, Paul! And thank you.
Ologsinquito - I so know that feeling. I could get the t-shirt, star in the movie and sing the songs. When you start out, absolutely nothing happens. It's a definite leap of faith moment. You have all these people telling you that they're rolling in riches from doing this kind of thing, but then they don't precisely disclose how much.
The fears strike. What if it's only them? What if it's only a select group of people, who rely on us mere plebs to keep writing in order to boost their stats? What if it's a scam? What if I'm doing it completely wrong and wasting days, weeks, months, years continuing to do it wrong?
What if.. what if... what if...
I know, because I've been there. Some dark days, I still am. This is certainly not the job for people used to a 9-5, with guaranteed incomes and bank holidays.
So this is what I'll tell you. In July 2012, I made $3.73 all month. In July 2013, I made $65.73. That's in a 'quiet' month, and the majority of it was made from Wizzley. Can someone do the maths please to see what kind of multiplication that was?
During the winter/Christmas months, I was already in triple figures by the end of 2012. I'm new. Wizzley is new. Those things factor in too. From what I've heard repeatedly (and now seeing with my own eyes), the biggest key is time and persistence. Please don't look at the quantity of my articles, without looking too at the speed with which I wrote them. I knocked out 56 Wizzles in November 2012 alone.
I'm so much more confident now that, come this time next year, the income is going to really be worth writing home about.
Write often, write well. The trick to it all.
on 08/03/2013
Jo, by doing the math, it looks as if you'll have a very good Christmas season.
on 08/03/2013
Jo you are welcome 
One thing I would mention that I am seeing in my amazon stats is that whilst the clickthroughs may be lower at the moment, the conversion to sales is significantly higher.
on 08/03/2013