on 10/22/2012
where I include a picture in a text module showing all the makeup I used for this project. Could someone please look at it and let me know if you see the tubeof makeup or a blank white space? It reviews fine for me but not for others. Maybe a loading issue as it's a large image.
Thanks, Katie
Katie McMurray
on 10/22/2012
Aside from the amazon widget, I only see two images. The rest of the spaces are blank white.
on 10/22/2012
Yep huge white space. I use Firefox.
on 10/22/2012
I see two pictures and a widget. LOTS of white space. No broken boxes or anything. I'm on Firefox.
on 10/22/2012
Thanks must be to large for the modules, or to many images.
Katie McMurray
on 10/22/2012
Okay I think I've fixed it, please check it out and let me know if you can see the images now. My daughter and I did this yesterday, fun day, fun wizz pics were to big she really wanted to get the details across... Hope the smaller images work.
Katie McMurray
Posts: 578
on 10/22/2012
One is still missing under the headline: "Zombie Scratches" - apart from that, it looks good here.
Posts: 578
on 10/22/2012
The image URLs don't appear to be meant for hotlinking. If you upload the images to Wizzley, it shoudl always work. No matter which size.
on 10/22/2012
Simon: 10/22/2012 - 10:40 AM
One is still missing under the headline: "Zombie Scratches" - apart from that, it looks good here.
That is the one I also can't see. But love the page - now that I can see it!
on 10/22/2012
I used my smart phone...
Thanks Pam
They are all there now. I was adding images in text modules, they did not load, did for me when I viewed them but not for you all. I loaded them into seperate images modules and they worked fine. I think I was over loading the text module...
Zombie Scratches are now there to see, this is my daughters favorite
Katie McMurray
on 10/22/2012
Everything good for me, except for one part: http://gyazo.com/024698b68f119b8f512f34196f6ce56e
I'm on Firefox (latest, updated Saturday) and Adblock is disabled on Wizzley.
Update! Katie, you fixed it while I was writing that. Zombie scratches are there now and they look fabulous!
on 10/22/2012
Thanks Jo, Those are my daughters favorite part, glad I finally got it now to go comb over my bald spot....
Katie McMurray
on 10/22/2012
You use firefox? that browser is on it's way out girl- It took me 4 years to abandon it but when I loaded chrome I was in ecstasy... I can't even look at firefox now, 2 minutes to load the program, 15 minutes to load a page.. no plugins running- ridiculous .. although I keep it on hand for specific plugin options I can't seem to get on chrome, rather they are available but don't work right...
JoHarrington: 10/22/2012 - 11:34 AM
Everything good for me, except for one part: http://gyazo.com/024698b68f119b8f512f34196f6ce56e
I'm on Firefox (latest, updated Saturday) and Adblock is disabled on Wizzley.
Update! Katie, you fixed it while I was writing that. Zombie scratches are there now and they look fabulous!