on 05/31/2011
I thought I read that we can invite individuals to join Wizzley but not put out blanket invites on blogs or other platforms.
Is that correct? Or is it okay to promote Wizzley sign ups with general links on profile pages, forums, blogs, etc? (I did see a link at Squidoo forum, BTW, and that made me think that maybe it's okay to publicize.)
on 05/31/2011
Yes, Jimmie, I believe you can promote across the net now, but I would be careful of where you leave those referral links as some forums dont allow them.
on 05/31/2011
I like to promote in my b;ogs with the widget in side bar, and write an article about wizzley, i hope it is allowed. Am I right AJ?
Posts: 578
on 05/31/2011
Yes, pleeease, promote as much and whereever you like! Also, we'll create some banners ASAP.
I hope chefkeem won't bite off my head for this 
on 05/31/2011
Why would I bite your head off, Simon? I love getting new members!
What's so darn time-consuming is having to deal with spammers and spinners. 
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/31/2011
chefkeem: 31. May 2011, 17:11
Why would I bite your head off, Simon? I love getting new members!
What's so darn time-consuming is having to deal with spammers and spinners. 
Chef I know it's time consuming and a pain in the proverbial for you - but for us it is giving us the confidence to promote knowing that you guys are really focused on authors, content and all round goodness - so on my behalf, and probably on behalf of others too, a very sincere thank you!
on 05/31/2011
Ditto wot Paul said 
Thing is, if you try to restrict recruitment now it would be like trying to flag down a runaway train.....
on 05/31/2011
I agree, Paul. Well said!
on 05/31/2011
Oh, I'm definitely for an all-out promotion. Even though it comes out of our pockets, we WANT you to increase your earnings with your referrals. It's one of the well-thought-out perks on Wizzley.
Thank YOU for being so professional and easy to work with.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.