on 06/07/2011
I just published a new page, Me vs. I, but before it published it warned me that parts of the content were copied. I've never had that happen, and was very surprised because I just wrote the entire thing. The only "copied" items were a cartoon (which I both linked and credited), the very short tag line for one blog in a link list, and a poster appearing in an AllPosters module. Everything else I wrote without even referencing another site, so it's not like I was even rewording someone else's work.
It did go ahead and publish; I'm just really curious how that could happen?
Carma aka tandemonimom
on 06/07/2011
Our internal dupe checker has its senior moments. That's why we hand-check everything with copyscape and other secret tools. You are just fine, and published, too.
Best wishes from I to you.
Oops...better go and study your article. 
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 06/07/2011
Me, myself, and I thank you, yourself, and, uh ... you, again.
Carma aka tandemonimom
on 06/07/2011
I got this message the other day...and first thought...WHAT? But I quickly figured out what it was. I had given credit to the images I had used by using the wording that the website tells everyone to use when we use an image. When I went back and re-worded the credit without changing their url...the message went away.
on 06/07/2011
I've gotten the message too, but it published anyway. It was all original content, so I ignored.
on 06/08/2011
Our internal content checker is based on Yahoo search and some phrases of an article are sometimes found somewhere else in the web. If your article is original content then just ignore the warning :-)