on 06/05/2011
Spun articles are neither unique nor useful. They bore the heck out of readers and make no money for authors.
Why would any self-respecting writer publish such stuff?
Because it's easy to do, and because it's easy to chase illusions...that somehow something will stick and create a penny here and there.
This Problogger article makes some excellent points on the importance of authenticity.
5 Reasons To Be Authentic Instead Of Generic
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 06/05/2011
I love ProBlogger, been reading his site for years. I absolutely agree with this article and it is exactly the way I try to write my own articles. Some of my stuff is really wicked niches and yet it gets lots of readers, even though it's a "small" topic and I think it has a lot to do with the way I present things. I tell it like it is, the way I see it.
I'm not afraid to give a popular item a horrid review or a unpopular item loads of praises, and I NEVER talk about topics/items I haven't personal done/tried. I've been branded a "renegade writer" as a result because I don't try to write about what's hip or cool at the moment, but rather I write about things I love, things I do, things that are important TO ME.
Being authentically me in everything I do, is kind of a pet peeve of mine, because I don't ever want to come off as a clone, I want to be unique and do my own thing, and I try to let that shine threw in my writing as well. And it works, I have a huge fan following and daily get emails from readers who tell me, they don't often agree with what I say, but they sure do love to read what I write because I have such a unique spin on everything.
We redefine the limits of insanity. We are Gods in our own insane asylums.
on 06/05/2011
I am one of your big fans, EelKat. And happy that you're with us now. 
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 06/05/2011
I guess I have an advantage. It's extremely difficult for me to write in anything but my own voice. That's one reason I don't write for the article sites where my own voice might be considered an intrusion.
Today may be your last chance to make a difference in someone's life.
on 06/05/2011
I have always tried to create/write as if I am talking to the person, face to face, that I am aiming my material at! I hope that I succeed but I guess the mark of that success is whether the readers come and read.
on 06/05/2011
BarbRad: 05. Jun 2011, 14:19
I guess I have an advantage. It's extremely difficult for me to write in anything but my own voice. That's one reason I don't write for the article sites where my own voice might be considered an intrusion.
I totally agree. I just can't be "fake." I know people advise searching for topics with little search engine competition and then write on those topics. I just can't do it. (Yet. That's not to say that economic considerations would not change my opinion one day. Never say never. But for now, no.)
on 06/05/2011
Excellent article Chef. Thanks for pointing it out. I feel like an article or a blog that brings in a bit of personal experience (or memoir) is much more interesting and lends to credibility. :D
on 06/05/2011
I know people advise searching for topics with little search engine competition and then write on those topics.
You can always add your personal touch to any topics in the world. Google it, form your own opinion, do a little more research, expand your knowledge, adjust your opinion, and then tell us about it.
This is a general statement which is not directed at you, Jimmie. You're one of our dream members because of your intimate knowledge in your niche and your willingness to put work into your articles. 
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 06/05/2011
chefkeem: 05. Jun 2011, 15:01
This is a general statement which is not directed at you, Jimmie. You're one of our dream members because of your intimate knowledge in your niche and your willingness to put work into your articles. 
What a compliment! Thanks. Now I want a badge that says DREAM MEMBER.
( Me dreaming.)