Ha! If I knew the perfect recipe for Amazon sales...rest assured - I would tell you about it.
However, I did notice something...
About 70-80% of my Amazon sales are products I had NOT advertised! Products I didn't even know about, or things I don't care writing about. Paraphrasing our Wizzley author Pukeko: We just love cookies!
More importantly, I've noticed something else...
No matter what items people buy, most of my sales come from a very small group of pages: my very best articles. ("Coconut Macaroons", "Fuzzy Bunny Slippers", and a couple more on Squidoo and Pagewizz.)
It's stunning because people almost never buy what I advertise. But they do buy plenty of other stuff.
I'm wondering...do they enjoy these pages so much that they get into a shopping mood, even if they're NOT interested in my ads?
Could it be that---even for sales pages---the content quality is more important than the ads?
What's your take on this?