Fun Snacks for Kids: Crunchy Pizza Toast
by wrylilt
Most kids love pizza but sometimes it can get a bit messy and complicated, especially with several children. This quick and easy snack lets everyone design their own!
It's raining or snowing, the kids are antsy, everyone's hungry and there's no decent food in the fridge. Of course you could get the whole tribe dressed, into the car, drive through the terrible weather to the nearest shop, figure out their orders, sit them down and try to keep them from starting a food fight but why not take the easy way ouy? Why not let the kids make lunch?
Crunchy pizza toast is a great option that allows kids to get creative as well as eat something they made themselves. As long as you have some bread, tomato paste of some kind and some left over scraps of cheese and salads/vegies you're all set. Just turn on the oven, follow the simple steps below and before you know it you'll all be sitting down to some delicious home made creations.
How to Make Pizza Toast
Pizza toast is simple - just create a pizza on a piece of bread. Here's the basic recipe:
☼ Bread or Pita Bread
☼ Tomato Paste or Pasta Sauce
☼ Cheese
☼ Vegies or Salads
☼ Other Left Overs
Allow a large work area for children to get creative in. Lay out two slices of bread for each child and help them coat it with a generous dollop of tomato paste. Then let the kids go wild with scraps, cheese and vegies. Once everyone has completed their pizza toast, pop it in the oven on a tray at 180 degrees celcius (350 farnheight.) Leave for 15-20 mins or till cheese is melted. Pull out and serve.
More Great Pizza Toast Ingredients
There are plenty of items that make yummy pizza toast but here's a few different ingredients you can try:
☼ Onions, Garlic, Shallots
☼ Cherry Tomatoes & Capsicum
☼ Sour Cream
☼ Avocado & Lime Slices
![]() Pizza Toast in the oven, ready to cook. Author |
Creativity with Pizza Toast
Creativity with Pizza ToastIt's fun to make pizza toast - but it's even more fun to play with it. Make some suggestions for different ways the pizza toast can be made:
☼ Pictures using different color ingredients.
☼ Faces.
☼ Buildings or towns using chunks of cheese and other various shaped items.
More Fun Ideas!
Not every piece of pizza toast has to be made like a pizza. Try these ideas:
☼ Half baked - Bake toast with tomato paste and cheese then add cold ingredients from the fridge, such as salads.
☼ Fruit toast - Spread toast with yoghurt or custard. Use different types of fruit on top - or even a fruit salad. This one will only need about 5 mins in oven for warming or can be eaten cold.
![]() Fresh pizza toast, ready to eat! Author |
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I'm off to slap some cheese and other food stuffs on some toast!
never mind the kids! I love these ideas
Great for the days when you don't have answer to "what's for dinner"
A quick snack that looks inexpensive and relatively healthy (if using whole grain breads).