Gemstone Jewelry Gift Ideas in Unusual and Exciting Colors

by blackspanielgallery

Quality Gemstones can found in colors one normally does not associate with the name. How many of these could you use to enhance your collection of fine jewelry?

Naturally occurring gemstones are a priority when selecting quality jewelry. The natural crystals can be cut on planes that produce the facets of the jewelry. These facets, along with how much light can actually pass through the gem, are what provide the sparkling beauty of the piece. Since the faceting depends on the nature of the crystal itself, different gemstones are cut differently, and respond differently to light.

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Choosing a Jewelry Piece to Wear

Jewelry is not all the same color.  The transparent diamond can go with anything, but sapphires are normally blue or purple, rubies are red or pink, and emeralds are green.   Other stones have a color that we often associate with them, such as red for garnets.


Suppose the wardrobe choice calls for orange.  Does this mean the quality stones cannot be used?  The answer is no.  But, few people have a high quality orange stone piece or set of pieces, which is great for gift giving. And, orange is not the only color that one might choose.  Even if someone has a lesser quality stone in an unusual color.  Upgrading to a quality piece can make the gift giver a real hero. 


And, a person hinting at something unusual might start a conversation by asking if the person from whom a gift is expected has ever heard of some of the less known colors of quality stones, focusing on the one that is desired.


Of course you can always give a gift to yourself.


Sapphires and rubies

Sapphires and rubies are actually the same thing, except for color.  If it is red or some shades of pink it is a ruby, otherwise it is a sapphire.  But, sapphires come in a multitude of colors.  The normal sapphire is blue or purple, and a deeper blue tending towards purple is considered the best.  But, blue might clash with other items being worn.  Sapphires in green are not recommended, but both yellow and orange sapphires can really catch the eye.  Imagine a sapphire, a quality jewel, in a color that fits the rest of the apparel.   This is possible, and a whole range of jewelry in each of the colors is possible.  It is possible to find rings, earrings, necklaces and pendants, and bracelets.  Collecting an entire set might take several gift giving occasions.  But every collection starts with the first piece.


Some pink stones are actually referred to as sapphires, and their beauty is undeniable.  So, if it is pink that is needed, look for pink sapphires. 


Green Stones

For green gemstones emeralds are a good choice, but less expensive green stones are possible.  Garnets, the normally found in red gemstone, also can be found in green, and at a fraction of the price of an emerald.  Also, larger stones can be purchased if one is buying garnets than if one is buying emeralds.


A clear diamond is to be desired.  But diamonds with yellow and blue hues also occur in nature.  Then there is pink, a pink diamond is quite unusual.  Pink rubies are nowhere near as nice as pink diamonds.


Another unusual stone is the chocolate diamond, which really outdoes smoky quartz in appeal.  This is a very rare stone, and can really make quite an impression. 


So, if the occasion calls for diamonds, a splash of color can be added. 

Gift Giving

For most people it is fairly safe to assume the intended recipient has a void in owning these unusual gemstones.  Even if one is known to be owned by the person, there are so many others to choose from.  And, this takes away the problem of guessing what the entire jewelry collection of the other person might be.  Just look for the unusual, and you should do just fine. 


For these unusual gems you might not find many in a chain store.  I would recommend going to a quality jeweler and discussion what you think will be your purchase.  These stones are harder to find than those in the traditional colors. 


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Updated: 11/29/2015, blackspanielgallery
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blackspanielgallery on 10/02/2015

I thought I would show alternative colors to quality pieces. The chocolate diamonds are very nice.

candy47 on 10/02/2015

Chocolate diamonds, those two words just go together. The pendant is stunning.

blackspanielgallery on 07/27/2015

I know certain colors are most common, but thought this might be new to many.

CruiseReady on 07/27/2015

Green garnets are new to me, and boy, are they attractive! I could really go for something with those gemstones in it.

Mira on 07/23/2015

I came back to add that I, too, write gifts articles, like many others here. But I have noticed that some writers write lengthy articles on topics they are very familiar with, and they add calls for purchase here and there, which work nicely within the piece to break long blocks of information.

Mira on 07/23/2015

It's good to know more bits about gem stones. Apparently corundum is the second-hardest mineral after the diamond.
On a side note, I think that if we wrote information pieces illustrated with gift ideas, we'd fare much better with Google (the site as a whole). I think that having gifts and other related words in the title makes Google downgrade us.

blackspanielgallery on 07/23/2015

It is the small amounts of impurities that can determine the color of a stone, They are both corundum, but I did not want to get too far into the geology for a gift list.

Mira on 07/23/2015

I didn't know sapphires come in many colors. I thought they were blue only. Also didn't know they were the same stone as rubies. Really?

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