Genealogical Hobbies: Sample Searches of Joseph Lockard Martin Jr

by DerdriuMarriner

Genealogical hobbies are second to gardening as most popular pastimes in the United States, and the genealogy of Joseph Lockard Martin Jr. reveals why.

Genealogical Hobbies Are the United States’ Leading Pastimes

Marist Institute for Public Opinion surveys in Poughkeepsie, New York, acknowledge genealogy hobbies as the second most popular pastimes in the United States, and Joseph Lockard Martin Jr.’s genealogy explains the fascination.

The name Joseph Lockard Martin Jr., actor in The Day the Earth Stood Still, brings to mind questions about movie trivia and research into classic films. Cast notes for the black-and-white science fiction film released Sept. 18, 1951, credit Lock Martin for interpreting Gort, the 8-foot- (2.44-meter-) tall humanoid, metal, seamless robot. Stage names do not demystify the four federal censuses that were conducted during his lifetime even though contemporary sources do by revealing Lock Martin’s birth name.

Library access to or personal purchase of Ancestry and Heritage Quest subscriptions enable hobbyists to search online indexes for censuses that include Joseph Lockard Martin Jr.

Joseph Lockard "Lock" Martin Jr. memorably portrayed alien robot Gort in "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951).

Joseph Lockard "Lock" Martin Jr. safeguards spacecraft in "The Day the Earth Stood Still."
Joseph Lockard "Lock" Martin Jr. safeguards spacecraft in "The Day the Earth Stood Still."

Genealogical Hobbies Flourish with Savvy Indexing and SEO


Internet Movie Database, and Wikipedia furnish online the birth and death dates of Joseph Lockard Martin Jr. as Oct. 12, 1916, to Jan. 19, 1959. They, like, give as his deathplace Los Angeles County, California, while his obituary and respectively specify as Pennsylvania birthplace West Bridgewater and South Philadelphia.

Even with internet-available birth and death information, pursuers of genealogical hobbies have considerable difficulty in accessing the four relevant census entries for Joseph Lockard Martin Jr. The fault is in the online indexing whose searches provide entries that are irrelevant even when the box for exact data and spelling matches is checked.

Accessing California death indexes, a good guess for an actor, jumpstarts productive searches through links to FindAGrave and the 1920 and the 1930 federal censuses. 


Joseph Lockard "Lock" Martin Jr. worked as a doorman at legendary Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood prior to his role as Gort in "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951).

Grauman's Chinese Theatre, renamed in 2013 as TCL Chinese Theatre
Grauman's Chinese Theatre, renamed in 2013 as TCL Chinese Theatre

Genealogical Hobbies Keep Track of Records and Reminiscences


Pursuers of genealogical hobbies know from the census of Joseph Lockard Martin Jr.’s residence by January 1920 at 1519 Park Avenue, South Canon, Fremont County, Colorado. They learn of Pennsylvania birthplaces for 12- and 15-year-old sisters Ruth E. and Helen A. and for 37- and 44-year-old parents Joseph S. and Rowena P. The census mentions Joseph S. as brick maker, homeowner and son of Pennsylvanians and Rowena as the daughter of a Canadian-born father and an Irish-born mother.

The April-conducted 1930 census notes residence in Hillhurst, Colorado, at 1269 Park Avenue, in a $3,500-valued home owned by Joseph S., Fuller Brush Company specialty salesman.

California obituaries on observe the Canon City High School Tigers basketball team lifelong fan’s relocation, after graduation in 1934, to the Denver Theatre until 1942.


Joseph Lockard Martin Jr.'s gravesite, lot 3955, space 4, Vale of Peace, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills, California

Lock Martin's gravestone quotes Song of Solomon 2:17 and depicts Masonic symbol of G enclosed by square and compasses.
Lock Martin's gravestone quotes Song of Solomon 2:17 and depicts Masonic symbol of G enclosed by square and compasses.

Genealogical Hobbies Prompt Children to Turn to Parents preserves 1750 North Sycamore, Hollywood, California, as J. Lockard Martin Jr.’s address, on a letter to “Dear Geneva” of Bellevue, Washington, dated August 24, 1942. The obituary-listed address at 7046 Firmament Avenue, Van Nuys, California, qualifies as last residence with Ethel Mae Babcock, bride since June 7, 1946, and nine children.

Images at reveal the quote, from Methodist Church-approved translations of Song of Songs 2:17, Until the day break, and the shadows flee away. Both tombstones, with symbolism recalling the actor’s Glendale Masonic lodge pre-interment services Jan. 24, 1959, stand in Forest Lawn Memorial Park’s Vale of Peace, Hollywood Hills.

Censuses transmit geo-temporal, socio-economic statistics whose tallies personal mementoes and memories and public images and information flesh out for lives that happen while plans are made.


Lock Martin had an uncredited role in "The Invaders from Mars" as the mutant who carries Billy Gardner (played by Jimmy Hunt) to the invaders' Intelligence.

Lock Martin, in bottom half of Martian mutant costume, strolls off camera with Jimmy Hunt (Lock Martin photo 2).
Lock Martin, in bottom half of Martian mutant costume, strolls off camera with Jimmy Hunt (Lock Martin photo 2).

Genealogy of Joseph Lockard Martin Jr.


Genealogy of Joseph Lockard Martin Jr.

1. Joseph Lockard Martin Jr. 

--West Bridgewater, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Oct. 12, 1916 - Van Nuys, Los Angeles County, California, Jan. 19, 1959, from cancer, with Masonic services Jan. 24, 1959, at Forest Lawn, Glendale, Los Angeles County, California, before interment at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles County, California  
--Education and residence in Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado, 1919–1934, when graduated from Canon City High School as basketball-lover and CCHS Tigers fan
--Experience in:

  1. Denver Theatre, until 1942
  2. Hollywood, as Grauman’s Chinese Theatre doorman for three years, Hollywood actor for 13 years, public figure for commercial organizations, Spike Jones Orchestra member for five years  
  3. Los Angeles, as Arden Farms Company’s Long Beach area special representative

--Membership in Methodist Church, United Commercial Travelers, Van Nuys Masonic Lodge

--Residence at 1740 N. Sycamore, Hollywood, and, with wife Ethel Mae Babcock, Montana, Sept. 17, 1914 – Alameda County, California, Aug. 17, 1972, and 9 children, at 7046 Firmament Avenue, Van Nuys, while known as “Gentle Giant” of children’s hospital visits and of local television show

2. Son of Joseph Sprott Summerville Martin 

--New Bethlehem, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, May 1, 1875 - buried with wife (grave 1) at grave 2, lot 3, block 59, section 32, Lakeside Cemetery, Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado, Oct. 8, 1960 

--Married Rowena Putnam McIlveen, Pennsylvania, Sept. 16, 1882 – Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado, April 5, 1967; Daughter of John McIlveen, Ireland, Dec. 3, 1848–582 Harmony St., Rochester, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, March 22, 1912, and Sarah E. McIlveen, 1860–1936; Granddaughter of John McIlvenne and Jane Dunn

--Parented Pennsylvania-born children 

  1. Walter Harvey, April 1903 – December 1903
  2. Helen Azalia, Rochester, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Nov. 19, 1904 – San Benito County, California, Oct. 30, 1993; married Hollin Taylor Brooks, Kansas, Aug. 11, 1904 – Hollister, San Benito County, California, Oct. 28, 1956; parented William J. Brooks (married at 40 in Los Angeles, California, May 12, 1978, 35-year-old Millie L. Bean) and Hubert Brooks   
  3. Ruth Elizabeth, Rochester, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Oct. 28, 1907 - Oct. 19, 2001, buried with husband (grave 2) at grave 2-A1, lot 2, block 20, section 38, Lakeside Cemetery, Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado; married Harold S. Lawrence, 1903 – Sept. 27, 1963; parented Elaine R. and Jeanne A.  
  4. Donald, West Bridgewater, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Oct. 12, 1916 – West Bridgewater, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Oct. 12, 1916, buried at Irvin Cemetery, Rochester, Beaver County, Pennsylvania
  5. Joseph Lockard Jr.

3. Grandson of Moses G. Martin 

--Rimersburg, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, Nov. 13, 1824 – Mahoning, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, April 10, 1884

--Married June 12, 1856, Rebecca Jane Ferguson, Porter, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, Feb. 13, 1835 – Clarion County, Pennsylvania, Dec. 2, 1876; Daughter of William Ferguson III, Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, 1812 – Ringgold Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, April 1852, buried at Beaver Run Cemetery, Stanton, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania,  married 1836 Margaret Summerville, Brookville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, July 26, 1811 – Rimersburg, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, April 10, 1886, buried at Rimersburg Cemetery, Clarion County, Pennsylvania; Granddaughter of William Ferguson Jr., County Down, Ireland, Oct. 4, 1779 – Ringgold Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, March 23, 1851, buried at Beaver Run Cemetery, Stanton, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, and Emily Conover, Holland, Sept. 21, 1780 – Brookville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, Aug. 21, 1851; Great-granddaughter of William Ferguson Sr., Bovevagh Parrish, Londonderry County, Ulster Province, Ireland, June 11, 1737 – Bovevagh, Ireland, July 30, 1787, married July 31, 1756, Sarah Catherine Smith, Ireland, 1737 – Bovevagh Parrish, Londonderry County, Ulster Province, Ireland

--Parented Pennsylvania-born children 

  1. Carmina Jane, Rimersburg, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, March 26, 1857 – Rochester, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Dec. 24, 1937, buried with husband at Putneyville Cemetery, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania; married 1876 Sylvester Myers, Franklin, Venango County, Pennsylvania, July 1, 1840 – Rochester, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Jan. 28, 1916
  2. Mary Ann, Rimersburg, Toby Township, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, Aug. 8, 1858 – Rochester Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, June 23, 1927; married 1892 Robert Milne Jr., Edinburg, Scotland, April 13, 1866 – Rochester Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Dec. 9, 1920, buried Dec. 12, 1920, at Irvin Cemetery (where wife subsequently buried June 26, 1927), Rochester, Beaver County, Pennsylvania
  3. Margaret Matilda, Pennsylvania, June 12, 1860 – Cambria County, Pennsylvania, Aug. 28, 1860
  4. David George, June 2, 1861 – March 1, 1863
  5. Sarah Prudence, Madison Township, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, April 15, 1863 – Canon City, Fremont County, Colorado, June 10, 1932; married October 1909 Jacob K. Hawkins, Pennsylvania, Feb. 26, 1845 – Canon, Fremont County, Colorado, March 12, 1923  
  6. Rachel Emery (aka Rachael Emily), Madison Township, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, Sept. 8, 1865 – Rochester, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Dec. 5, 1914, buried Dec. 7, 1914, at Rimersburg Cemetery, Clarion County, Pennsylvania
  7. William Ferguson, Madison Township, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, July 31, 1867 – Mahoning Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Sept. 24, 1897
  8. John James, Madison Township, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, July 26, 1869 – Bridgewater, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Jan. 1, 1953; married July 4, 1895, Lillie Mennell, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Feb. 29, 1876 – Bridgewater, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, April 17, 1932     
  9. Harvey Ebenezer, Madison Township, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, Feb. 3, 1872 – Rochester, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Oct. 16, 1909
  10. Joseph Sprott Summerville

4. Great-grandson of David Martin

--Ireland, 1795 - Clarion County, Pennsylvania, Dec. 11, 1868, buried with wife at Seceder Presbyterian Cemetery, Mechanicsville, Clarion County, Pennsylvania 

--Married Jane Summerville, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Dec. 26, 1797 - Clarion County, Pennsylvania, Dec. 11, 1878; Daughter of James Summerville, Belfast area, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, April 1764 - Cowansville, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Aug. 11, 1854, buried with wife at Rich Hill United Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Cowansville, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, married 1796 Sarah Scott, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, July 31, 1774 – Dec. 6, 1826, Daughter of James Scott; Granddaughter of Samuel Simmeral [Anglicized Summerville], Lisburn area, County Down, Northern Ireland, 1750 - Clarion County, Pennsylvania, Oct. 1838, buried with wife at Crooked Creek Presbyterian Cemetery near Kittanning, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania and Jane Sprott, 1750-1820 

--Parented Pennsylvania-born children 

  1. Moses 
  2. Sarah Ann (Mary), Pennsylvania, August 1829/1839 – Dec. 1865; married George Newell Craig  
  3. Margaret, Pennsylvania, July 29, 1831 – Sept. 26, 1899; married August Fagerberg, Sweden, Feb. 3, 1827 – Pennsylvania, May 31, 1894; parented Edna G. (born Sweden, 1852, married August W. Bloomstead [born Sweden, 1846], parented Charles W. [Prescotville, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1878 – Elizabeth, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, June 23, 1916, married Flora H., Pennsylvania, 1879 – Elizabeth, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 1959, parented Martha M., born Pennsylvania, 1897, and Carl W., Pennsylvania, 1908 – Elizabeth, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, July 14, 1973] and Ellen E., born Pennsylvania, 1885)
  4. James Summerville, Madison Township, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, June 3, 1836 – Madison Township, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, June 23, 1907; married Nancy Clarissa Wilson, Dec. 5, 1839 – Aug. 5, 1910  
  5. Jane Winkleman, Pennsylvania, 1846

5. Great-great-grandson of George Martin 

--County Down, Ireland, 1770 – Rimersburg, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, 1827, buried with wife at Seceder Presbyterian Cemetery, Mechanicsville, Clarion County, Pennsylvania 

--Married Sarah Summerville, County Down, Ireland, Nov. 1772 – Rimersburg, Pennsylvania, 1820, Daughter of son David’s grandfather-in-law Samuel Simmeral and grandmother-in-law Jane Sprott 


"Lock Martin -" (0:07)

Uploaded March 27, 2012, by TheTallestManVideos to YouTube ~ URL:



My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.


Image Credits


Joseph Lockard "Lock" Martin Jr. memorably portrayed alien robot Gort in "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951).
Joseph Lockard "Lock" Martin Jr. safeguards spacecraft in "The Day the Earth Stood Still.": Celebrity Vault @oldfilmphotos, via Twitter April 29, 2016, @

Joseph Lockard "Lock" Martin Jr. worked as a doorman at legendary Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood prior to his role as Gort in "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951).
Grauman's Chinese Theatre, renamed in 2013 as TCL Chinese Theatre: Channing Thomson @CHANNINGPOSTERS, via Twitter March 31, 2016, @

Joseph Lockard Martin Jr.'s gravesite, lot 3955, space 4, Vale of Peace, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills, California
Lock Martin's gravestone quotes Song of Solomon 2:17 and depicts Masonic symbol of G enclosed by square and compasses.: CC BY 2.0, via @

Lock Martin had an uncredited role in "The Invaders from Mars" as the mutant who carries Billy Gardner (played by Jimmy Hunt) to the invaders' Intelligence.
Lock Martin, in bottom half of Martian mutant costume, strolls off camera with Jimmy Hunt (Lock Martin photo 2).: @

"Lock Martin -" (0:07)
Uploaded March 27, 2012, by TheTallestManVideos to YouTube ~ URL:

Arden Ice Cream promotion, ca. 1953, for Texas pecan ice cream features Lock Martin.
image added by sardineshu in France, 04 Mar 2016, 10:21:

undated closeup photo of Joseph Lockard "Lock" Martin Jr.
Lock Martin photo 7: @


Arden Ice Cream promotion, ca. 1953, for Texas pecan ice cream features Lock Martin.

image added by sardineshu in France, 04 Mar 2016, 10:21
image added by sardineshu in France, 04 Mar 2016, 10:21

Sources Consulted "David Martin." Year: 1850; Census Place: Madison, Clarion, Pennsylvania; Roll: M432_767; Page: 102B; Image: 211. "David Martin." Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Clarion, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1095; Page: 298; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 805095. “Donald Martin.” Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1963 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. “Harold S. Lawrence.” Year: 1940; Census Place: Canon City, Fremont, Colorado; Roll: T627_463; Page: 4B; Enumeration District:22-9. “Helen Azalea Brooks.” California, Death Index, 1940-1997 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000. “Hollin T. Brooks.” Year: 1920; Census Place: Fruitmere, Fremont, Colorado; Roll: T625_164; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 72; Image: 402. “Hollin Taylor Brooks.” California, Death Index, 1940-1997 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000. “J. Lockard Martin.” 1930 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2002. “John McIlveene.” Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1963 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. "Joseph Marlin [sic]." Year: 1910; Census Place: Bridgewater, Beaver, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1310; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 0018; FHL microfilm: 1375323. “Joseph Martin.” 1940 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc, 2012. “Joseph L. Martin.” 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2010. “Joseph Lockard Martin.” California, Death Index, 1940-1997 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000. "Joseph S. Martin." U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. "Moses Martin." 1850 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reproduced by FamilySearch. "Moses Martin." Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Clarion, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1095; Page: 305; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805095. "Moses Martin." Year: 1870; Census Place: Madison, Clarion, Pennsylvania; Roll: M593_1326; Page: 508A; Image: 193377; Family History Library Film: 552825. "Moses Martin." Year: 1880; Census Place: Mahoning, Armstrong, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1096; Family History Film: 1255096; Page: 314D; Enumeration District: 014; Image: 0414. "Moses Martin." Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1963 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. "Rachael Emily Martin." Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1963 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. "Rachel Emery Martin." Probate Records, 1803-1917; Index to Register's Office, 1803-1965; Author: Beaver County (Pennsylvania). Register of Wills; Probate Place: Beaver, Pennsylvania. “Rowena Martin.” U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2011. “Rowena T. Martin.” 1940 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc, 2012. “Willie J. Brooks.” California, Marriage Index, 1960-1985 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.

"David Martin."

  • Available @ 

“Ethel Mae Babcock Martin.”

  • Available @

Jacobus, Donald Lines. 1999. Genealogy as Pastime and Profession. Second Edition. Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.

“John McIlveen.”

  • Available @

"Joseph S. Martin."

  • Available @ 

“Life Is What Happens to You While You’re Busy Making Other Plans.” Quote Investigator: Exploring the Origins of Quotations. Proudly Powered by WordPress.

  • Available @

"Lock Martin." Alchetron.

  • Available @ 

“Lock Martin – Height Birthday Zodiac Filmography Family Photos Biography.” Celebrity Height.

  • Available @

“Lock Martin, Jr.”

  • Available @

“Malachi.” The Catholic Rainbow Study Bible. El Reno, OK, USA: Rainbow Studies International, 2001 (2nd Edition).

“Moses Martin.” > AncestryLibrary > Tree > Summerville Family Tree > Facts.

  • Available @ 

“Ruth Elizabeth Lawrence.”

  • Available @

Smith, Richard Harland. 12 October 2006. “It’s Lock Martin’s Birthday!” Movie

  • Available @

“Song of Songs.” The Catholic Rainbow Study Bible. El Reno, OK, USA: Rainbow Studies International, 2001 (2nd Edition).  


undated closeup photo of Joseph Lockard "Lock" Martin Jr.

Lock Martin photo 7
Lock Martin photo 7
the end which is also the beginning
the end which is also the beginning

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) ~ Available via Amazon ~ Available in multiple formats (Amazon Prime/Rent/Buy, Blu-ray, DVD)

One of the most memorable lines in cinematic history is directed to Lock Martin as Gort: "Klaatu barada nikto."
Lock Martin filmography

Invaders From Mars, 50th Anniversary, Special Edition ~ Available via Amazon ~ Lock Martin has uncredited role as Martian mutant.

"The heavens....a vast region for growing knowledge....But their greatest mystery the heavens have kept a secret. What sort of life, if any, inhabits these other planets? Human life like ours? Or life extremely lower in the scale? Or dangerously higher?"
Lock Martin filmography

Me and my purrfectly purrfect Maine coon kittycat, Augusta "Gusty" Sunshine

Gusty and I thank you for reading this article and hope that our product selection interests you; Gusty Gus receives favorite treats from my commissions.
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
Updated: 02/03/2025, DerdriuMarriner
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DerdriuMarriner on 01/27/2025

Joseph Lockard Martin Jr. achieves name recognition for me because of his acting in Invaders from Mars and the original The day the Earth stood still.

The latter film impelled a remake even as neither film invoked any prequel, sequel or series.

Who might match most majestically, most mightily a remade Invaders from Mars?

DerdriuMarriner on 01/23/2025

The caption to the third in-text image alerts us to the fact that "Lock Martin had an uncredited role in 'The Invaders from Mars' as the mutant who carries Billy Gardner (played by Jimmy Hunt) to the invaders' Intelligence."

Why is it that some actors invoke no credit, especially when it's a fine performance and that performance involves, as in this case here, an important interlude?

Is the phrase "uncredited role" Hollywoodese for not inspiring pay or recompense?

That's disappointing if such is the reality!

DerdriuMarriner on 01/14/2025

Joseph Lockard Martin, Jr. and his wife, Ethel Mae, Babcock, have the same design for their tombstones.

An upper corner houses a mountain scene diagonally from a lower corner with a hand-holding couple. The bottom part, down from those mountains and left of that couple, invoke the line that "Until the day break, And the shadows flee away" from Song of Solomon 2:17.

Might it not -- so romantically -- seem that Joseph Lockard Martin, Jr. and Ethel Mae Babcock renewed their marriage vows daily?

DerdriuMarriner on 06/16/2022

WriterArtist, The survey results, for the second spot in most popular hobbies, from the Marist Institute for Public Opinion in Poughkeepsie, New York, surprised me too.

But then I think about the many, many housewives with school-age children and the many, many retirees researching genealogy in the historical societies and public and university libraries that I've used.

I was a gardening hobbyist by the time I was five years, when my sister and I planted our first garden, as a 100-percent popcorn ;-D garden.

So gardening hobbies definitely would appeal to many ages and many numbers of people here.

WriterArtist on 06/15/2022

Dear DerdriuMarriner - I hadn't heard of genealogical hobby before reading your article. It is interesting that it is on the top listed hobbies and second only to gardening. Joseph Lockard looks awesome as Gort. You have put some of his rare photos in this article. Appreciate the effort.

DerdriuMarriner on 03/06/2017

sandyspider, Thank you! I've always liked Michael Rennie and his role in The Day the Earth Stood Still. I found a DVD copy and in watching it realized that I knew very little about "Gort." So that's why I decided to look into Joseph Lockard Martin Jr's past and share what I found.

sandyspider on 03/04/2017

Interesting genealogy of Joseph Lockard Martin Jr. Quite through.

DerdriuMarriner on 05/12/2016

blackspanielgallery, Genealogy is as difficult or easy as the aptitude, experience and resources of the genealogist!

blackspanielgallery on 05/12/2016

It is quite a fun hobby. And can consume much time.

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