Global warming, also known as the greenhouse effect, is now more evident than ever. In the 1980s a few sounded the alarm. As I recall, others were predicting impending glaciation from a cooling planet. It took some time, and a lot of evidence, to show the direction of climate change. Now, with the depletion of polar ice, the retreat of glaciers, and the increase in the number and severity of storms, global warming has established itself as a major risk to the future of the Earth.
Global Warming – Whose Responsibility Is It?
Global warming is a problem, and it is up to us to do what we can, no matter how small, to help abate the problem.
The Risk Is Real
Climate change brings about a shift in wind patterns. While we often see the storms on the news, droughts are another, albeit less publicized, consequence of climate change. In fact, any adverse weather pattern that did not exist in an area in the past could be the result of a change in upper winds, and attributed to climate change.
Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know® Climate change will have a bigger impact on humanity than the Internet has had. The last decade's spate of superstorms, wildfires, heat waves, and droughts has accelerated the p... | |
Climate Change: The Facts Tirelessly promoted by princes, presidents, actors and activists, "climate change" has become a dominant theme of global politics. But what's really going on as the "pause" in g... | |
A Global Warming Primer: Answering Your Questions About The Science, The Consequences, and The So... Winner: 2017 NSTA, Outstanding Science Trade Books 2017 Children's Book Council, Best STEM Books Nautilus Book Award, Silver, Ecology and Environment Is human-induced global war... | |
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming • New York Times bestseller •The 100 most substantive solutions to reverse global warming, based on meticulous research by leading scientists and policymakers around the world“A... | |
Climate Change: The Facts 2017 Climate Change: The Facts 2017 contains 22 essays by internationally-renowned experts and commentators, including Dr Bjorn Lomborg, Dr Matt Ridley, Professor Peter Ridd, Dr Will... |
Is Global Warming a Man-Made Problem?
There is uncertainty here. Man certainly has contributed, but to what extent? The Earth does naturally go through warming cycles, but the timing is such that as man added significantly to pollution the problem has grown.
Think of it like this, a swimming pool is being filled and will soon overflow. If a person adds a few spoons of water, is it really significant? How about a few buckets of water, would that make a difference? Or perhaps a person holds a hose and adds a significant amount of water. We really do not know which scenario is real, but we are adding to the problem. The question is how much?
Then comes another question of whether we as individuals are responsible, or is it corporations?
If we cannot control the problem from having occurred, are we responsible for trying to fix it? And, how much can we as individuals, or as groups of individuals do? Are we like the person dumping a spoon of water into a swimming pool?
Well, if we try we might just be successful. To do nothing is not an option we should embrace. Omission is a serious problem, so it is imperative that we act.
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Thanks for adding to the article.
blackspanielgallery, Thank you for the information and product line. One of the best ways to figure out what to do is to go through the Master Gardener and Master Naturalist programs. Water quality monitoring through Izaak Walton League/Save Our Streams is part of the post-training community projects of the latter and provides the former with options for post-training yearly education requirements. Both programs stress environmentally friendly interactions with nature, be those relationships cultivated or wild.
Thanks for the comments.
Your metaphor of the swimming pool is an effective way of explaining the problem.
Humans have expedited Global Warming, there is evidence. Perhaps planet earth had a better chance of survival, had this intelligent species not invaded.