Google Japan: google jp: google co jp: Japan News, Tsunami, YouTube Video, Maps

by humagaia

Google Japan homepage is offered in Japanese. It has search, news, maps, images, YouTube and Gmail links. Japan often has earthquakes & tsunami: facts about Japan & tourism.....

Google Japan (Google 日本) is
not nor,
and is available in Japanese.
It is between the 20th and 26th most visited
website worldwide, according to Alexa Traffic
Rank statistics.
There are almost 150,000 websites linking
to it, giving a high reputation score.
Between 1.5% and 2% of all internet traffic
passes through the Google Japon...........

Free Video Series Reveals How To Launch Recession Proof Income Streams From Scratch

Google Japan (

Site information

It is ranked #2 in Japan, after Yahoo! Japan but before FC2, YouTube, and

Most visitors use the Japan Google homepage (~98%), followed by 'maps' (~14%), 'news' (~4.5%), and 'translate' (~4%). The top searches are for 'google' (~23%), '地図' [map] (~9%), 'google map' (~5%), '翻訳' [translation] (almost 5%), and 'chrome' (~2%). Almost all visitors to Google Japon are from Japan (~98%). Of the remainder the majority are from other Asian countries.

With reference to the internet population as a whole, attracts those more frequently in the 35+ age range, with no college education. A higher proportion are males and for those browsing from a work environment. These is less frequent access from 18 to 24 year old's; with some college education; browsing from home or school. There is a significantly lower proportion of females using the site than would be expected had the internet norm been achieved.

Data courtesy of Alexa (2012/02/28).

Google Japan has been available from April 20th 2001. How it looked then, can be seen below:

Google Japan 2001/04/20
Google Japan 2001/04/20
Google Japan 2001/04/20
Humagaia "Paint" screenshot
Office location and jobs

 Google Japan

Roppongi Hills Mori Tower
PO Box 22, 6-10-1 Roppongi
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-6126, Japan

Phone: +81-3-6384-9000      
Fax: +81-3-6384-9001

Google Tokyo job vacancies acn be found at:

The Google Japan YouTube channel is at:

Google Tokyo, Japan

Working at Google 日本

Google office location Tokyo, Japan

Headquarters Google Japan
Location Google headquarters Tokyo
Location Google headquarters Tokyo

Google Offices Osaka, Japan

Google Japan Osaka offices

There are also offices at:

20F, Hankyu Grand Building,
8-47, Kakuda-cho, Kita-ku
Osaka, Japan 

Google Japan offices Osaka

Google offices Osaka, Japan
Google offices Osaka, Japan

Japan Wiki

Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and ...

Facts About Japan

Geomorphology, Human Geography & Climate

Japan, a constitutional monarchy and empire state, is located on the eastern margin of Asia and consists of four major islands:

  • Honshu
  • Hokkaido
  • Kyushu
  • Shikoku

and many small islands. It is separated from the mainland of Asia by the Sea of Japan. To the east is the Pacific Ocean.

The country is made up of six chains of steep serrated mountains, which contain about 60 active volcanoes.

Earthquakes are frequent and widespread and often accompanied by giant waves (tsunami).

Summers are warm and humid and winters mild, except on Hokkaido which is covered in snow in winter.

Japan's agriculture is highly advanced with extensive use made of fertilizers and miniature machinery for the small fields. Fishing is important.

Most of the population live in the densely populated coastal towns and cities, and speak Japanese. The main religions are Shintoism and Buddhism.

After WWII Japan embarked upon a course of economic growth that has placed it in the top echelons of the largest industrial economies in the world. It is very dependant on imported raw materials and its success is based on manufacturing industry and innovation. Much of the workforce is employed in industry.

Japan's exports include cars, ships, iron & steel and electronic goods.

Capital of Japan is Tokyo.

Currency of Japan = Yen.

Tokyo Training

Cool Japan

Japan Tsunami 2011

Google Map Japan

Japan Climate Change Wiki

Climate change in Japan is being addressed at a governmental level. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change proposes two hypothetical future scenarios. One is Scenario "A1B" based on the assumption that a future world will have ...

Google Japan

Google 日本
Google Japan
Google Japan
Humagaia "Paint" screenshot

Languages of Japan

The National or official language of Japan is:

  • Japanese (~121m)

Immigrant languages are:

  • Chinese (~150k)
  • English (~70k)
  • South Asian languages (~300k).
  • Philippines languages (~36k)

There are few indigenous languages. Those that have a speaking population of more than 5,000 are:

  • Okinawan (~984k)
  • Korean (~670k)
  • Miyako (~68k)
  • Yaeyama (~48k)
  • Kikai (~13k)
  • Amami-Oshima (~12k)
  • Kunigami (~5k)
  • Toku-No-Shima (~5k)
Only 15 people now speak the Ainu language.
Google Japan can be viewed in the languages above by using the URL reproduced next to each. 
Language estimates from Ethnologue (

Japanese and Korean Language Similarities

Ainu Language of Japan

Ainu (Ainu: , Aynu itak; Japanese: Ainu-go; is one of the Ainu languages, spoken by members of the Ainu ethnic group on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaidō. Until the twentieth century, Ainu languages were also spoken ...

Functions Google Japan Homepage

Top Left and footer has the following functions at the top left of the homepage screen:

  1. 検索 - search
  2. 画像 - images
  3. 地図 - maps
  4. YouTube
  5. ニュー - News
  6. Gmail
  7. ドキュメント - Docs
  8. カレンダ - Calendar
The [もっと見る] options link gives these additional functions: 翻訳 (translate), 書籍 (books), ョッピング (shopping), Blogger, リーダー (Reader), 写真 (Picasa), and 動画 (Videos).

Links at the bottom of the homepage include:

  1. iGoogle
  2. ウェブ履歴 - Google history
  3. 広告掲載 - advertising programs
  4. ビジネス ソリューション - business solutions
  5. Google について - 'About Google'.

Japanese Snow Monkeys

Kobe Earthquake, Japan

Accessing Google Japan is found, as follows:

  1. Type '' for Japanese biased search results.


the URL for Google jp is NOT NOR

Firefox Google Japan
Firefox Google Japan

Search results from Japan alone, can be seen if you use the Google Firefox browser option (Japanese version only). Use this Firefox URL:


On the Firefox page, ensure the '日本語のページを検索' button is set, instead of the 'ウェブ全体から検索' button.

From this browser version you can also undertake advanced search '検索オプション' and set preferences '表示設定'.

Kobe, Japan

, pronounced , is the fifth-largest city in Japan and is the capital city of Hyōgo Prefecture on the southern side of the main island of Honshū, approximately west of Osaka. With a population of about 1.5 million, the city is part of the ...

Kyoto, Japan

is a city in the central part of the island of Honshū, Japan. It has a population close to 1.5 million. Formerly the imperial capital of Japan, it is now the capital of Kyoto Prefecture, as well as a major part of the Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto ...

Nagoya, Japan

is the third-largest incorporated city and the fourth most populous urban area in Japan. Located on the Pacific coast in the Chūbu region on central Honshu, it is the capital of Aichi Prefecture and is one of Japan's major ports along with ...

Tokyo, Japan

, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of both Japan and the world. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the ...

Okinawa Island, Japan

is the largest of the Okinawa Islands and the Ryukyu Islands of Japan, and is home to Naha, the capital of Okinawa Prefecture. The island has an area of . It is roughly south of the rest of Japan.

Official Google Japan Blog

Project Guideline は、視覚障がいの方が、AI の力で一人で自由に走ることを可能にすることを目指す Google の研究開発プロジェクトです。通常は伴走者の助けを得て走る視覚障がいのランナーの「自分の思う通りに、誰にも頼ることなく自由に走ってみたい」との思いに応えるために、機械学習技術を活用した画像認識 AI を開発...
Google が主幹事を務める、あらゆる人のリスキリング※を支援する「日本リスキリングコンソーシアム」(以下、 JRC)は、女性のリスキリング推進を後押しすべく、3 月 8 日の国際女性デーに合わせ、「ウーマンリスキリングウィーク」を開催します。このプログラムでは、Google など JRC の 15 団体が賛同し、総額約 3 億円...
2 月 1 日〜 3 月 18 日は日本政府が主導する「サイバーセキュリティ月間」です。Google も賛同し、さまざまな取り組みを行っています。Google は、安全なインターネットの実現のために、「Secure by Default」という考え方を重視しています。これは、製品やサービスに最初からセキュリティ対策を組み込むことで、...

Just copy and paste into for quick translation

Japan News

The number of children born in Japan in 2024 fell to a record low, marking the ninth consecutive year of decline. According to preliminary data from the Ministry of He...
A massive abandoned housing complex looms in the mountains, its buildings overgrown with vegetation. No residents are in sight. Concerns over deteriorating security at...
The city of Nagoya has announced plans to demolish the Asunal Kanayama shopping complex by February 2028 and construct a new multi-purpose facility in its place. The r...


Asian Google Country Articles

Updated: 02/05/2021, humagaia
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