Google Portugal : Google pt

by humagaia is Google Portugal's home page, available in Portuguese [português]. Google products: search, images, videos, maps, Gmail & Portuguese news direct via Google pt homepage. has a worldwide traffic rank of around 330 with over 13,000 sites linking to it. In Portugal it has the third highest visitor numbers, after at number 1 and Facebook at number 2. It is ranked number 5 in Angola and number 378 in Brazil, the countries second and third in a list of those from which visitors arrive at Google Portugal.
Visitors to the site mainly use the search [Pesquisa] facility, but also go to translate [Tradutor], maps [Mapas], news [Noticias] and accounts. Most searches are for '', 'tradutor' and 'maps'.

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Google Portugal (

Site information

With reference to general internet users, has positive demographics for males in the 25-34 age range with graduate school education, and negative for females, 45+ age range, lower than graduate school education . Browsing is less from a school location.

Over 87% of visitors come from Portugal, over 3% from Brazil and almost 2.5% from Angola: France (0.7%), Spain (0.7%) and UK (0.6%) visitors make up a further 2%. 0.275% of global internet users visit, making up 0.0225% of global pageviews, viewing 8.5 to 9 pages in the 8 (average) minutes they are on the site.

(Data from Alexa as of 2012/02/05)

Google pt

Google Portugal
Google Portugal

Google Today listing

Overview, office location & jobs

As for all Google country home pages the most important use to users is research. 

The offices for Google Inc., in Portugal are:

Google Portugal,

Avenida da Liberdade,

110 1269-046 Lisboa, 


Job availability can be accessed at:

Google Portugal location

Avenida da Liberdade, 110 1269-046 Lisboa

Portugal Wiki

Portugal, officially the Portuguese Republic is a country situated in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal is the westernmost country of Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the West and South and by Spain ...

Republic of Portugal

Geomorphology and Human Geography

Portugal is in south-west Europe, making up about 15% of the Iberian Peninsula. On it's western and southern coastline is the Atlantic ocean. It has coastal plains rising to high mountainous areas to the north of the river Tagus. Here you will find the steep-sided mountains of Tras-os-Montes. To the south of this is the Douro valley, running from the border with Spain to Oporto, on the coast.

South of the Tagus is the Alentajo, where you will find wheat fields and cork plantations. This continues to the hinterland of the Algarve, on the southern coastline. Here you may find groves of almonds, fig and olive trees.

Exports include textiles, wine, fish and cork. Agriculture crops include wheat and maize, as well as grapes and tomatoes. Tourism is a major industry and the main foreign currency earner. Manufacturing industry includes textiles and clothing, footwear, food processing and cork products.

The capital of Portugal is Lisbon [Lisboa], and this is where Google Inc., Portugal offices are located.

Portugal currency = Euro.

Map of Portugal


There are few languages spoken in Portugal with more than 15,000 speakers, as Portuguese is almost universal within Portugal. They are: 

  • Portuguese (10m)
  • Asturian (25k)
  • Galician (15k)
  • Mirandese (15k)
There are also significant populations within Portugal that speak Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Language estimates from Ethnologue (

If you would like to see Google Portugal in English then use the following URL:

Google Portugal in English webhp = en
Google pt webhp en
Google pt webhp en
Humagaia "Paint" screenshot

Google Portugal homepage products

Top left

These products are available from top left Google Portugal home page:

  1. Imagens – search images.
  2. Videos – find YouTube videos by entering a search term
  3. Mapas – search for maps and get directions.
  4. Noticias – search for Portuguese news, on any particular subject.
  5. Gmail - access your account or register for a free account.

The [mais] link drop-down has Tradutor (Translate), Livros (Books), Acadêmico (Scholar), Calendário (Calendar), Fotografias (Photos), Docs, Sites and Grupos (Groups) as additional Google functions.

Other Google Portugal products

Top right & bottom

The top right hand corner links to:

  • Definições de pesquisa (Search settings, i.e. preferences)
  • Pesquisa avançada (Advanced search)
  • Ferramentas de linguagem (Language tools)
  • iGoogle
  • Historico da Web (web search history)

At the bottom of the page there are links to information about advertising programs (Soluções de publicidade), business services (Soluções empresariais), and 'About Google' (Tudo sobre o Google).

Getting to Google Portugal

Getting to Google Portugal can be accessed, as follows:

  1. Type ''.

  2. Do a search for 'Google Portugal' to access it in Portuguese.

  3. An English version is available by entering '' in the web browser URL entry box.

  4. On any country or language version of the Google homepage, when Google classifies you as Portugal local, just click the 'Ir para o Google Portugal' or 'Ir para o Google Portugal, em Português' link at the lower right of the Google search homepage screen.

  5. Enter '', which redirects to Portugal Google in Portuguese '' or '', which redirects to Google Portugal in English.

Firefox Google Portugal

Firefox Google Portugal
Firefox Google Portugal

Pages from Portugal alone can be viewed using Firefox, but only in the Portuguese version. Use the Firefox URL:

On the Firefox page, make sure either the (Search) Pesquisar: 'páginas em português (Portugal)' button or 'páginas de Portugal' is set, instead of the (Search) Pesquisar: 'a web' button. You do not need to be browsing with the Firefox browser

Latest Portuguese News items

Copy and paste the Portuguese news item to for a translation
“Um bando de delinquentes”, diz Pedro Nuno sobre a bancada do Chega  ExpressoDeputada do PS reage a insultos do Chega (“aberração”, “não sei quê da esquina” ...
Novo secretário de Estado da energia foi contratado com autarca do PSD quando era deputado municipal e líder concelhio  ObservadorPrimeiro-ministro continua ...


Other articles in this series is the homepage for Google France. It is available in French [français]. You can go to Gmail, images, videos, maps, shopping & French news direct from Google fr homepage.
Updated: 02/05/2021, humagaia
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humagaia on 02/12/2012

@Mike On the point of RSS feeds do you know, or can you point me in the direction of, any information that would tell me how to create a personal RSS feed for a sub-set of my articles? I can do it at HP but not, apparently, here.
Thanks in advance for any insight.

humagaia on 02/06/2012

No problem. If there is anything else you find on my articles that you would like to know how to achieve, just ask. I will do my best to answer - as quick as possible. Here to help.

teddletonmr on 02/06/2012


humagaia on 02/06/2012

Katie, glad to be of service. There is so much to know and so much to forget with Google and all it's worldwide services. Things move apace. Nothing stands still in the Googleverse. I will be interspersing various of the Google Countries articles with some on other aspects of Google that may be of assistance, or explain certain aspects of Google and it's products and functions. I hope they will also be of use to you.

humagaia on 02/06/2012

Actually Mike I cannot think of enough words to make a Wizz out of the Twitter RSS link, so I will address that here. To create a Twitter RSS feed:
1. Click the RSS feed button in the list of Wizzley buttons
2. Enter this URL portion
3. Then add the subset of tweets you want to appear, such as "Google Portugal"
4. Before you finish, replace each 'space' with a '+'.

So you get something like:

It's as simple as that!

katiem2 on 02/06/2012

humagaia, It's always good to stay informed as to the workings of Google across the globe, I hope to be far reaching and your articles help me to understand the differences and similarities. Thanks

humagaia on 02/06/2012

Mike, np. As soon as I get time I will create a Wizz about the how to of Twitter RSS creation. Glad that Google Portugal has been a + for you.

teddletonmr on 02/06/2012

humagaia, thanks for the info on Wiki info and its effects on SEO, and Google AdSense adds. I would be interested in learning how to create the Twitter RSS.
Make it a great day, Mike

humagaia on 02/06/2012

Thanks Mike. One thing you might like to be aware of is that the Wiki info is part of the SEO in that what appears there is taken into account for adsense ads, and in long-tails.
If you want to know how to create the Twitter RSS just ask - if there is enough requirement, and I can find enough words, I will create a Wizz.

teddletonmr on 02/06/2012

Wow, great use of the Wizzley tools making this article a pleasure to read.
I discovered a lot of new information about Portugal, Portugese news, twitter, facebook, and Google pt.
Thanks for the heads-up.

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