How to Get Beautiful Skin

by katiem2

Heal parched skin and reveal your most beautiful skin with spa like products you can use in your own home. Get that beautiful spa look at home.

Winter comes and goes leaving dry patchy skin in its wake. Looking forward we imagine the long summer months ahead and then Eek Gags my skin, what to do with my skin thoughts pop into your head. There is hope for beautiful skin. Vichy Spa Skin Care is a great product that treats and pampers the most difficult complexions with great success. This and the other products shared here today treat your skin as you'd expect from any spa and yet all in the comfort of your own home.

Get Healthy Pretty Skin

Pamper your skin with in home spa like treatments revealing the most beautiful skin possible.

This company comes to you with 80 years experience and are top notch experts in skin care. Vichy uses both technology and dermatological ingredients rich in minerals as well. It's know as thermal spa water, another of mother natures miracles. Vichy skin products are rich in 15 minerals not commonly found in over the counter products. They go the extra mile delivering spa feel and performance.


Thermal Water For Beautiful Skin

Thermal water provides skin with the moisture of spa water for beautiful skin

The first product we highlight today is the Vichy Thermal Water. Vichy spa water is 100% pure and packed with the 15 minerals I mentioned earlier.

Its loaded with clinically proven health benefits to pamper and care for your winter parched skin, plus it maintains supple soft skin throughout the summer.

Vichy water will sooth, protect and regenerate your skin all the while providing vital antioxidants. We all know how important antioxidants are for our bodies inside and out.

Plus what you put on the outside is absorbed through to the inside.

Replenix Eye Repair Cream

The eyes are more than mere windows to the soul, they are the main attraction to your appearance.

What do you see when you look in the mirror? You can easily begin to see smoother, fresher and firmer eyes the next time you look in mirror. Replenix Eye Repair Cream is an amazing product that can do all that. The eyes say so much about how you feel and you feel bad when your eyes look tire, saggy and dark.


What I like about this formula is the ingredients, good ingredients make for a good product and this one has my favorite green tea, arnica and peptides to rid you of those dark circles, surface wrinkles and fine lines. Green tea's magical polyphenols works wonders, we've all heard the praises of green tea. These little gems make up 90% of the formula. This protects the delicate eye area plus fights free radicals preventing that dreaded free radical damage we know all to well. The green tea polyphenols also aid to firm the skin rid discoloration which haults dark circles. This product creates a fresh beautiful look that will have you gazing in the mirror not flinching as you quickly turn from it.  Enjoy, Katie

Updated: 03/01/2013, katiem2
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How to Get Beautiful SKin

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katiem2 on 02/27/2012

kinworm, You can no doubt imagine why I would know about that, oh we the writers who keep such odd hours ... Great to have you here thanks for commenting.

Marie on 02/27/2012

I need that Eye Repair Cream because I look like I'm always tired. Great share, Katie.

katiem2 on 02/26/2012

bhthanks, Sure my pleasure and thanks for commenting.

bhthanks on 02/26/2012

My skin gets so dry and chapped in the winter, especially the back of my hands and my lips... I should really try the Vichy Water mentioned above. Thanks for the info!

katiem2 on 02/24/2012

DebbieBrooks, Good habit to form and be faithful to, your skin thanks you.

DebbieBrooks on 02/24/2012

great article... i am big on taking care of your skin..thanks for sharing.

katiem2 on 02/24/2012

Holistic, you are so welcome. thanks for commenting

Holistic_Health on 02/24/2012

Thanks for review. I've heard of Vichy but hadn't tried the brand yet.

katiem2 on 02/23/2012

Angel, It has the power of green tea baby, you do know the magic in that powerful stuff. I'm drinking a cup of it now... Thanks for commenting

Angel on 02/23/2012

I really need something good for my dark circles under my eyes. The Mary Kay stuff is great but want to try something different. The Replenix may work... might have to try it.

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