From the time I was old enough to walk, I couldn't wait to step into my Mom's shoes. I loved the way she looked in her heels and the sound they made as she walked across the floor. I was determined to wear them. The first time I slipped into a pair of high heels I was in heaven. The minute you step into a great pair of shoes you instantly feel better. Shoes can transform a person. There are those of us who love the thrill of finding the next great pair of shoes. It's a luxury we are happy to pay for. Most shoe lovers spend as much as they can on the shoes. There is only so much we can control in life and yet shoes are something we can. The joy shoes brings into an otherwise normal day is one thing tipping the scales making it a better day. You just feel good walking around in a great pair of shoes as if that small child who wore her mothers shoes for the first time.

Why Women are Addicted to Shoes?
by katiem2
Why are so many women addicted to shoes, how many pairs of shoes are enough and how much are shoe addicts prepared to pay for shoes. There are many reasons why women love shoes.
Variety the Spice of Life
The number one reason women love shoes so much is because of the vast variety.
One minute you can be a bad biker type and the next a fem-fatal in a kitten heel. In a life where things stay the same you can change, escape feel different. The degree to which a shoe can alter your attitude and outlook is broad. Check out this fantastic boot, imagine yourself in these.
Shoe Addiction
Having a lot of shoes does not mean a woman is addicted to shoes, or does it?
Why are women addicted to shoes?
I'm in no way confessing my own addiction, but I do have many friends who are hopelessly addicted to heels, pumps, sling backs, kitten heels, clogs just to name a few.
The variety of shoes in itself is a big draw pulling us in. There are so many options, colors, textures and styles.
Although I may not be a shoe addict I'm careful to shop with those who are. I follow along, you know for support, after all I would never leave a friend all alone with their weakness for shoes. I'm there for support, yea that's it.
I love all types of shoes. I especially love boots during the winter. Boots look good with anything, slacks, jeans, dresses, skirts, and more.
Other than being warm and functional it feels a bit like your breaking the rules when wearing boots. Don't you think?
Shoes for Every Personality or Mood
A woman can change her mood by changing her shoes.
The thing I love best about shoes is the way they make me feel once I get them on my feet. There is something special that happens each and every time I put on a really great shoe. I sometimes wonder if it isn't the flood of wonderful childhood experiences.
Could it be that I relate a beautiful pair of heels with that first moment as a child wearing my mothers?
It could be, and all those other wonder times playing dress up and clomping around in a pair of sling backs. All in all shoes make you feel different. I think we all want to feel different from time to time, play dress up if you will.
You might not be able to do anything about a broken heart a weight gain or a job mishap but you can put on any shoes your little heart desires. That feels different, shifts you from a place where you no longer want to be.
Looking Good in Shoes
A good pair of shoes brings an entire outfit together either making or breaking the look.
It's no secret that the way you look dictates the way you feel. Our feet support our bodies day in and out. When your feet feel good you feel good and your outlook is bright.
A pretty new pair of shoes can turn any bad moment around making it a day packed with confidence and success.
We could debate what it is shoes that make us feel so good. In fact we'll do just that below. Feel free to participate in our poll making for a good comparison as to why women love shoes. You can see if you have something in common with other shoe lovers.
For the most part it's best not to over think something so much. It's best to just let go and enjoy one of life's little indulgences and shoes are a great way to do just that. So share with us the first thing that comes to mind when you think of why you love shoes.
Why Women Love Shoes?
Share the reason shoes make you feel so good and happy.
I love shoes because;

Shoes and toenail polish are conversation pieces and fashion statements. They make it so that downward looks always end on something beautiful (and hopefully comfortable).

Simon I agree and you should read other articles this authors written, and oh and this hot topic and finally last but not least

I love wearing classic black pumps and other womens shoes and yes ok I am a guy but I have a size Euro 39 foot and every since I was 5 I have enjoyed putting on girls shoes and prancing around. I don't think it's fair that women can dress as men but we blokes can't even get away with wearing a pair of pumps down the road!
Shoe Pain and Vanity
Do women wear pretty shoes even if they hurt just for the sake of vanity?
It isn't always a good feeling and so I confess to having a love hate relationship with shoes at some point in time. It fades away but it does rear its head each time I find a perfect pair of heels, perhaps pumps or the like.
The one and only time shoes make me feel bad is when I slip into a beautiful pair only to find they are less than comfortable.
I adore heels and yet with my already tall 5'10" frame, I tower over many men with a considerable heel. So, unless he doesn't mind, I opt for the lower heel. That's okay because shoe designers have gotten really good at pleasing us tall girls and delivering on the super steamy gorgeous designer lower heels that give you the same look and appeal as to the higher heels.
So, while no two girls stand alike, we can all feel equally good in a vast variety of fabulous shoes.
I don't have a favorite shoe, I like them all. I like heels, flats, boots, combat boots, they look really hot when paired right, slippers, sandals, slides, flip flops, and on and on.
In fact I don't think I've ever met a shoe I didn't like.
What is it about shoes that is so appealing to we girls? I don't think I can put just one finger on it as there are so many reasons to love a great pair of shoes.
Women Confess Love of Shoes
Women love shoes for some very similar reasons.
- I can tell you one big reason why I love shoes.
- I love to explore and go places, I love to move and dance.
- I'm a very curious and energetic chic and without a good pair of shoes to do all these various activities my delicate little feet would get beat up and banged up.
- I love the different sounds shoes make.
- Each shoe has it's own voice, the way it connects with the earth, floor or whatever it comes in contact with.
- Shoes are the music beneath my feet.
- I also learn a lot about other people from the sound their shoes make.
- They may be quiet and aloof or loud and in my face.
- I can tell all this by the music or lack there of their shoes make.
- You girls know what I mean, don't you?
- Oh I can't take it anymore, I've got to go find a new pair of shoes!
Much Love and Success, Katie
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Chat About Why Women are Addicted to Shoes?
DerdriuMarriner, I wear a size 10 which is not the easiest size to find and therefore have learned to be happy with what I got...only settling for the perfect shoe, style and fit. I love boots, I have a ton of boots, in warmer weather I become less concerned with quantity and more concerned with comfort, support and versatility.
katiem2, Women can feel self-conscious about hands and feet since they get a lot of wear and tear, and beautiful shoes go a long way to minimizing that self-consciousness. Also, shoes can be a way of thanking feet for all they do for us ;-D.
I recently came across some television series that I'm really enjoying in DVDs. Seinfeld has an episode about George being superficial about a gorgeous, personable girl whose second toe is way longer than the first.
EliasZanetti, You may well be right :)
Well.. this is a question bound to be left unanswered forever I think!
Mira, I love the way shoes make you feel, it's amazing what a pretty pair of shoes can do for you.
Shoes can have such an impact on a woman's presentation. They change the way we walk, our posture, our confidence -- it's pretty amazing. That said, I'm all for comfort, because I like to walk a lot. What comfy shoes do you like? I like Clarks, Ecco, Bata, Camper (always wanted Campers but they're even more expensive than Ecco), and a couple of others which completely slip my mind. I don't buy a lot of pairs of shoes but the ones I do buy are really good and last me a long time. I also enjoy it when I can wear a fancier shoe, but don't have many of those either. I do admit though that if I had more money to spend on shoes, I would probably get 30% more pairs :):)
MonisMas, Good to hear you have your love of shoes and purses in check.
I have to say I love shoes and purses, but I don't really own many of each. I guess I keep it under control :-)
Angel, OH MY got rid of 32 pairs of heels you poor dear. I love wearing jeans with heels, you keep on wearing them the feeling is priceless. :)K
I must admit that I am a shoe freak! When I was working I had a different pair of high heels for every outfit in my closet. I just went through my closet and got rid of 32 pairs of high heels! Crazy! The bad part is that I still have 2 big containers full of heels that I kept. Now that I am not working I don't wear heels as often. I have been known to fall up in the PTA meeting with some heels on with my jeans. They just make me feel good.