Although yoga can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, strength, flexibility, and other limitations, not all yoga classes will be suited to all people.
To get the best results for yourself, it's important to find a class that best suits your needs and interests. If you're younger and reasonably fit, and are most interested in getting a good workout, a vigorous yoga class may suit you better than a slower-paced, gentler class. On the other hand, if you're older and have limiting physical issues such as arthritis or back pain, you would most likely do much better in a slower-paced class.
When you're looking for a suitable yoga class for yourself, read the class descriptions carefully. If you still have questions about the suitability of a particular class for yourself, don't hesitate to contact the teacher.
You might discover that a number of different styles of yoga interest you and are helpful to you, or you might find that you need to be more selective in your class choice.
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I remember back in high school an older teacher always used to give us 5minutes worth of yoga to try calm us down.
Thanks, Mira. It's tricky about photos of my students in class -- for the photo to look good, it has to be a separate photo session with the poses staged in a neat area. And a number of my students don't really want their pictures up online :-)
Hi kajohu, I liked your article? I linked to it from one of my pages. If I may suggest something, I think it will inspire people even more if you could post some more photos of students in your classes exercising :-).
i haven't tried yoga in's really harder than it looks! good article!
Thanks for this wonderful page on health benefits of Yoga. I need to incorporate more Yoga into my exercise regimen.